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All of the Halloween movies had been gone from the TV for a few weeks now, except the odd one or two. I found The Addams Family on the TV in Matt's room. He had visitors all day, hence why he was asleep when I looked over to check on him.

I wasn't sure how long the movie finished, except that the clock was ticking faster than I thought. He wasn't waking up anytime soon by the sound of his snores, and I didn't know if I wanted him to. I thought if he stayed asleep a while longer, I could persuade him to let me stay the night. But, Matt was right that I needed to sleep, we both did, but my stomach knotted at the thought of leaving him

A sound pulled me from my thoughts and I lifted my head. The image before me froze me to the spot and I didn't move. A hiccup spread through my chest as I stare back, aware of the tears in my eyes.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I whispered.

"Don't apologise" he croaked. There isn't a furrowing of his brows or a glazed look on his face. His jaw wasn't clenched and I was happy he woke up pain free. "Come here, Y/N"

His hand was firm on mine, but the shake of my head was firmer. I tried not to dwell on the disappointment in his eyes, knowing I couldn't handle that with everything else. I can't, not when I'm going to leave that bed to go home to a cold empty one.

"Everything will be okay" he hummed. I focused on his hand in mine and the feeling of his thumb circling my skin. He lifted his hand and struggled to wipe the tears from my cheek.

"I don't want to go home. I don't...want things to be like this"

"I know, honey...me too"

"I don't want to worry about you getting hurt again, like this" the words were a jumble. "I-"

"Y/N-" Matt started, but I shook my head.

"I don't want to do this without you...any of it, Matt" I lifted my head, looking for his eyes. My heart squeezed thinking of a time his eyes won't be full of tears or exhaustion. "I can't"

"Neither do I, Y/N...I'd never want to leave you and our baby" he sighed and I nodded.

"That case it...it was too high profile, Matt. Neither of us knew until it was too late, but-"

"It was too risky, I know. I won't do it anymore, Y/N"

Alarm covered my body in seconds, and then my voice. "What?" I asked and he only looked at me, blinking long and slowly. "Matt, you don't mean stopping practicing"

"No" he disagreed quickly, licking his lips. "I'd never, you know that...I won't be back for a while by the sounds of it. But I promise you, no more big cases. We're starting a family now and I want to be around for our kids lives.."

He got me where he wanted, close enough to kiss him and I couldn't resist. Afterwards, I rested my head on my arm, laying by his side.

"Thank you"

"Of course" he smiled and pinched my cheek between his fingers, making me smile.

"Does this mean I still have to go home tonight?"

The regret washed over me when I saw the smile fade from his face, feeling guilt soon after. I looked away from him when he didn't answer right away.

"You should, honey...it's for the best" his breath still smelled like the orange jelly he had after his dinner, something he made jokes about. "They say I'll be able to go home in a week or so, that's good news. You'll be okay, I'll see you again in the morning"

"It's fine" I mumbled, resting my chin on my arm. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't fall into the pit of my stomach, not able to find its way out yet.



"No" he huffed. "I'm full, I can't eat anymore"

Holding his stomach, Matt stared at me with furrowed eyebrows

"Don't pout" I challenged him, waiting for a smile to form on his face. "One more bite, Matt"


"Matt" I sighed, dropping my hand and giving him a look. "I hope our baby isn't this stubborn"

"With you as its Mom, I don't know"

"Hey!" I exclaim, laughing when I catch his eyes. "Eat your desert"

"Fine" he caved in as I guided the spoon to his lips. The noise of his chewing filled the room. "You'll be a great Mom, you know that?"

I don't know why, but I looked up in surprise. "I'm happy you're gonna be the Mom to my kids"

"Stop, you'll make me cry" I whispered, feeling the lump grow in my throat.

"I mean it" I feel my face warm up as I fold the napkin and stuff it into the empty desert tin. "Who'd have thought it'd be me and you, huh?"

"Yeah, crazy" I sniffled as a tear rolled down my cheek. "My old boss"

"The lawyer and the assistant" his voice was soft against my skin and so was his thumb against my palm.

"And their baby"

"And the baby" he laughed and I couldn't be more thankful. "I'm not sure I can keep it from my Mom anymore...it almost came out a few times"

"When do you think we should tell her?"

"What do you have to tell me?" Someone asked from the doorway.

One of his eyebrows raise and he smiled, as I nodded. "Come in, Mom. We've got something to tell you"

"What's that?" Matt's Mom asked, and we meet eyes when I turned to watch her walk in. She set down a soda and I watched a look come over Matt's face. "Is everything okay? Why do you look like you were crying?"

"Will you like to do the honours?" I croaked, bringing my attention back to Matt. Despite the energy he was getting back, he still looked tired.

"Course" Matt smiled and cleared his throat. "You're going to be a grandma...in about eight months or so"

"What!?" I suddenly wasn't sure where to look or who to look at, I just looked between the two. "Matt- Y/N-" she struggled, turning to look at the both of us, before she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Why do girls cry so much?" Matt asked and we both turned to see tears welling in his eyes, making us all laugh.

"I'm so happy for you both. You'll be great parents" she blubbered, nearly squeezing the air out of me when she hugged me. "Matt, it took you long enough"


"That's what I said. He's getting old" I joked, and his expression makes me laugh again.

"Watch it, wifey!"

I smiled. "Okay, husband"

Our Firsts (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now