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"Y/N, wake up" a voice said, tearing me from my dream. I grunted and shifted under the blankets and my expression tightened when I felt his lips on my face.

When I opened my eyes, I saw my favourite face in the world over me.

"Morning, did you have a good sleep?" Matt rasped with a smile on his face. His voice was deep and it only made him more attractive.

"Yeah, did you?" I yawned and he kissed my lips.

"Time to get up, Mrs Sturniolo" he said, his words sending a shiver up my spine.

"Matt, I'm not your Ms Sturniolo"

"Not yet" he said from his position under my chin where his lips were. "What were you dreaming about? You were hard to wake up today"

I yawned. "What's it to you?"

"Poor baby, Y/N" he pouted and I groaned. "It's time to wake up, honey. We have to go to work"

"Why can't we have a late day, like 10-6, instead of 8-4?" I groaned, pulling the blankets back when he pulled them down my body.

"Hey, you wanted to watch three movies last night, don't blame me"

"Matt, don't act like you didn't want to" I sighed, turning to find a perfect spot again.

"Okay, but it doesn't change the fact that we have to be at work in an hour, honey" he admitted and I laughed. "Okay, I'll be in the shower and if you're not up by the time I'm out, we'll be late. And you know how I feel about that"

"I miss when you liked being late. You being a responsible boss isn't fun anymore" my words were muffled by the hard pillow.

"And what are you going to do about it, Ms Sturniolo?"

The cold air greeted my skin when I sit up, the blanket falling to my waist. Any words that had been ready to spring off my tongue stop there. "Don't call me that!"

"Why? I thought you liked it" he called back, raising his voice so I could hear him over the shower.


"I don't like when you're crabby in the mornings. I know what'll cheer you up" he commented and I took the bait, mumbling a 'what' as I stepped into our closet. I should've known I think to myself as I'm lifted off the floor and soon feel the hot water on my skin.

"You're terrible" it came out as a laugh as he closed the shower curtain

"Am I? Why are you so upset?"

I squealed when he kissed my neck.

"When are you going to work with me again, honey? I swear, you've been with Celia for months now. Mark and that intent Mary are great, but I miss working with you"

"I don't know, Matt" was all I said, because those were the only words I had right now.

They were the only words he could handle to hear. I had been with Celia for the last six months  . We hadn't talked about this for a while now, but it may have had something to do with him having a tantrum during the last case we did together. I loved him, but I got sick of him, quite a lot. Just don't tell him that.


"Eat" I said, frowning


"It's not a question, Matthew. Eat your breakfast. Since when did you stop liking eggs?" I asked, playfully shoving a plate towards him as he sipped his coffee

"Since I said I don't, Mom. Leave me be to drink my coffee and read the paper" he said, raising his eyebrow. "My names not Matthew, don't know why you say it lately. Your not funny"

Our Firsts (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now