Chapter 1 Evie

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Breathing was a mistake. The lungful of air I was greedily trying to suck in, sends me into a fit of coughing. It draws the attention of the few passing students, but none stop to ensure I'm okay. But that's alright by me, I'd rather they left me alone.

After the atrocious first impression I left on my new roommate, I'd like to crawl into the nearest ditch and rot away until I'm nothing but bones and dust. Unfortunately, I won't be allotted that luxury. The numbers blaring at me from my phone warn me of the limited time I have left to make it to my counselor's office before her hours are over.

My lungs burn from exertion but I ignore their screaming. My time slot is quickly shrinking, not only to meet Ms. Carlton but to fix this scheduling mistake. I am NOT supposed to be in this class, I can't be. I'm an English major, I should never have been put into a theater class. But not just any theater class, a musical theater class!

I've always had a way with the written word but my talent has never extended to the spoken one. My friends can atone for my lack of communication skills. Talking to people freaks me out on a normal day. Performing in front of them while singing is an absolute no-go.

I push my way through the crowds that have congregated in the main courtyard area thing. It's more of a small park but that's not important right now.

I get glares from the people I shoulder past but I'll worry about it later. I have five minutes before she locks her doors and I need to be in them before she does that.

Someone to my right squeals like a pig, damn near fainting in front of me. I give her a quizzical look but ultimately shrug it off, I don't have time for this. I can see the other side of the crowd, I'm almost there, just a few more people and- I'm free!

I cheer quietly to myself, allowing time for my small victory. I race across the rest of the quad and barely make it before I'm locked out and stuck with a class that would likely cause me nightmares.

Ms. Carlton looks happy to see me, the sweaty panting mess I am. "Oh-" I suck in a large breath. "Thank-" the breath leaves me just as quickly. "God." She's laughing at me, chuckling softly.

"Good evening Miss Campbell, what can I do you for?" She appears professional but the laughter in her eyes gives her away.

"Can I close this?" I motion the the large oak door behind me, wide open. She nods. I take a seat across from her in the large black armchair. "There's an issue with my schedule. Oh, thank you!" My hands grasp the cold water bottle she hands me, greedily taking gulps as the cool water soothes my burning lungs.

"What's wrong with your schedule." Her attention is glued to her monitor as she types in my information. She mumbles as she lists off my classes for the first semester. "English 101, I'm surprised you didn't test out of it."

"I did but it's a prerequisite for a class I want to take next semester."

"Ah, that makes sense. Now let's see. Math 111, BIOL 160, CIT 101, and Musical Theater. I don't see anything off about this." Her eyes filter back to mine.

"I shouldn't be in Musical Theater! Why am I?" Her mouth forms an O as understanding sets in. She's quick to start typing again, letting the silence drag on.

"You can drop the class with no repercussions and considering you have four classes already, you don't have to fill the slot. You could if you'd like though." I down the rest of my water but it doesn't stop the lump in my throat from growing. God, why am I suck a crybaby?

"What are my options to fill it?" I fail to keep my voice flat which draws her attention back to me. I can only imagine what I look like.

"Oh sweety, why are you crying? It's not a big deal, we can fix this." I nod while wiping my eyes, hoping to stop the tears before they fall.

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