Chapter 38- Evie

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I don't believe him. Tanner's hiding something but I'll let it slide for the moment.

We've been up here far longer than ten minutes and he won't let me go back downstairs. I figured something was up when I didn't see Jensen at the graduation, but his car was here.

The noise downstairs has grown exponentially louder which would be the perfect cover for if we wanted some sexy time, but that's not what's happening. Tanner is checking his phone every couple of seconds while I sit on the bed watching him.

"Tanner, baby." He looks up at me. "Let's go downstairs and mingle. I'm part of the reason they're here, it's rude for us to hide away and not even do anything."

"But," I cut him off with the raise of my hand.

"You can stay up here, doing whatever it is you're doing, but I'm going downstairs." He looks like he wants to say something more, but doesn't so I take the opportunity and open the door.

"Alyssa, you guys are finally here. What took you so long?" Sean's voice carries up the stairs.

"Oh, shut up Sean." Oli's voice, almost as loud, comes next.

Like a switch was flipped, Tanner joins me as I descend toward the party.

"Changed your mind already?" I eye him wearily.

"Yup." Nothing more is said as we join everyone in the kitchen.

I search the group for Jensen but notice pretty quickly he's nowhere to be seen. I tap Dillan on the shoulder to gain his attention. "Where's Jensen? I was hoping to say hi." Dillan looks over my shoulder to where I thought Tanner was still, but when I look, he's gone.

"Uh, I think I saw him outside, come on, I'll come say hi with you." Dillan speaks obnoxiously loudly, earning the attention of everyone in the room.

My brows furrow further as I follow him toward the backyard while everyone files behind me. A nervous energy leaks from my friends and my worry heightens.

Before I can ask what's going on, I see the yard. Balloons line a white carpet with red rose petals. Everyone around me pulls out confetti canons and Dillan steps aside to reveal Tanner standing at the end of the carpet.

As if he materialized, Jensen takes my hand and guides me to the opposite end of the carpet as Tanner and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"You look beautiful today. Congratulations on your diploma. I'm so proud of you. "The simple words undo me as tears stream down my face.

It's obvious what's going on. It looks like a makeshift wedding. I'm too dazed to move so Jensen takes ahold of my hand once more and leads me to where Tanner waits, his nerves painted on his handsome face. Like a father hands off his daughter at a wedding, Jensen gives my limp hand to Tanner, who takes it gratefully.



He smiles, big and bright, making my heart melt. Then he gets down on one knee. I shouldn't be surprised, I knew from the moment I walked out here what was happening but I still gasped, covering my mouth as tears stream down my cheeks.

Tanner keeps my left hand in his as he stares up at me. "Evelyn Campbell, you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I knew you were special from the first day I met you. In that diner, I met the love of my life at nearly eleven at night. I could have never imagined that you would be there when me and my idiot friends were sat behind you. I remember having this feeling that I needed to turn around and there you were, typing away on your laptop. I had only briefly glanced at what you were writing when you noticed me creeping and shut it off only to slap me moments later when I foolishly tried to reopen it.

"It was at that moment that I decided I wanted you. I know it took half a year and a lot of pestering but look at us now. I got you, and I will never let you go. You are my light in the darkness, the sun to my moon, and my one and only. I'm hoping to make it official by making you my wife. So, what do you say? Evelyn, will you marry me?"

My nod is slow but very much prominent. "Yes." The ring slid onto my hand while I'm still dazed. Before I know it, Tanner's on his feet spinning me in the air and yelling at the top of his lungs.

"She said yes!"

Cheers erupt around us as my lips crash on his.

"Is this why Jensen wasn't at my graduation?" Tanner at least looks sheepish.

"He may have heard me say I didn't know how I was going to get everything set up without you seeing, and he may have offered to do it after you left." I sigh as I rest my forehead against his.

"You're insufferable sometimes, you know that?"


"Do you also know I would have been happy with none of this? You didn't have to plan anything. All I need is you, obviously bonus points for everyone being here."

"Obviously." I stare into his sage eyes once more before kissing him with all the love I have. He knew I would want everyone here even if I never said it aloud so he planned it when everyone could be here.

With each passing day, I fall deeper and deeper in love with him and I hope to never find my way out. 

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