Chapter 7 Evie

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This can NOT be happening! It's Thursday and I'm in my last class for the week, creative writing. I've chosen my normal seat in the very back of the class so I can see everything going on in the room, which means I can see the door. The door that Tanner just walked through. He hasn't seen me yet and I'm hoping he doesn't.

Of all the extra curricular courses he could take, he chose the same one as me. Was this on purpose or is my luck just that bad?

If the surprise on his face says anything, it's my bad luck.

He takes the steps two at a time, his eyes never leaving mine despite all the girls in the class swooning for his attention.

"You're in this class?" I nod as he shuffles in front of me so he can take the empty seat on my right.

"Yup, I'm surprised you are as well. This doesn't seem like your speed." His laughter grabs far too many people's attention.

"You're right, it's not. I'm awful at writing." His eyes sparkle with mischief and I reconsider that this wasn't his master plan after all.

"So why are you taking this class? You could have chosen a course you'd be good at." He shrugs like this surprise isn't wrecking my insides.

"I thought about it but I like to be well rounded. I'm hoping if I choose to take this class then I would be forced to try harder than if I had to take it." I don't think he realizes that he didn't actually answer my question.

"Still doesn't explain why this was your choice. There's plenty of English classes that can teach you to write. I'm assuming that's what you're taking this class for?"

"Yeah, I'm here to learn how to write better. I think it'll be more fun if I can use my imagination over learning from a textbook. I'm more of a hands-on learner, if you catch my drift." His eyebrows wiggle seductively. My eyes roll on their own and I decide this is the end of this conversation.

Thankfully, the professor agrees as he starts class.

Tanner stays quite beside me as we listen intently. The first lecture is over far too quickly but we are assigned some 'light' reading of fifty pages. My new buddy groaned loudly when it was assigned. Loud enough the professor heard and called on him to ask why he seemed upset.

Instead of apologizing like a sane person, he stood up and told the professor that he would have taken a normal English class if all he wanted to do was read. We got ten more pages because of him. At least it shut him up.

I'm out of there like a bat out of hell the moment we're dismissed. Unfortunately, I underestimated his leg length as he matches my strides with ease. He doesn't comment on my eagerness to leave, thankfully.

A few of our classmates try to stop Tanner as we pass them but he completely ignores their existence. He sticks close by me as I maneuver my way through the hoards of people. At some point his hands grab onto my waist and I shoot him a glare over my shoulder. He just shrugs and tightens his grip. "Don't want to get separated."

That's the fucking point! I want to lose you in the crowd!

We emerge into the freezing air outside. I'm surprised I wasn't malled on the way out based on the jealous glares I was getting from almost every girl we passed.

"How about we grab a coffee." He sounds like he's trying not to laugh as I return the glare to a specific girl a few feet away.

"No thanks, I've gotten enough looks for one day. Plus, thanks to you, we have sixty pages of reading." He at least looks sheepish when I turn around to face him.

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