Chapter 28 Tanner

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I roll out of bed, careful not to wake Evelyn as the bed shifts. I shut my alarm off with a soft groan. Dragging my hand down my face I shuffle to the bathroom to take a piss.

We've only been asleep for a few hours, staying up late into the night tends to be disorienting it can sometimes feel like days.

There's movement outside my door which alerts me to Seans presence. I debate putting a shirt on before leaving my room. I'm wearing sweatpants so I'm covered but if there's people over do, I really want to leave my room shirtless?

I listen for a moment before saying fuck it. The door closes behind me with a soft click. The morning sun casting long shadows over the loft.

I take the stairs two at a time only to be greeted by an empty kitchen. There's noise from the den so I make my way there. Dillan is passed out on the small couch, seconds away from falling off it completely.

I don't remember him coming over last night but I was out of it after our nap and since Alyssa never came over, Evie didn't want to leave the room.

We stayed in our little happy cocoon all night.

By the time I walk back to the kitchen, Sean's looking in the fridge.

"Morning." I lazily scratch my chest.

Sean jumps, startled. "Damn, didn't think anyone else was awake."

"Just me, another final today." I reach around him to pull the orange juice out. The clock on the stove shows seven thirty-eight, I need to be in class at eight thirty. Then it's back here to pack.

Since the guys are going to stay here through the next year they said Evie can store some of her things here over the summer, whatever she's not taking. She's going back to the dorms to pack with the help of Sasha. I think Alyssa's going to join later after her last final of the year.

"Damn, they're doing it earlier."

"Yeah, my class usually starts when the test is supposed to end. It's the only one doing the testing earlier, it's strange." I shrug as I down my cup of juice. "When did Dillan come over?"

"Dillan came over?" I blink at him.

"Yeah, he's asleep in the den. I figured you invited him over." Sean glances toward the hallway leading to the den.

"Maybe Collins did." He turns back to the fridge, eyes searching for something.

"Dude, if you haven't found it yet, you're not going to find it." He humph's at me but closes the door.

A creek upstairs draws our eyes up. Another creek followed by soft footfalls. "Morning." Evie's quiet voice floats down the stairs. She lands on the bottom step moments later looking adorably sleepy. She rubs at her eyes while a huge yawn pushes it's way out of her.

"Morning Evelyn." She stops and stares at Sean likes he's grown a second head.


"I said morning."

"Yeah, but you used my full name."



"Why not? It's your name." She opens her mouth to respond but decides against it. Instead, she gives me a quizzical look. I shrug as she lazily approaches me. She loops her arms around my neck a places a quick kiss to the corner of my lips.

"Your up early, your class isn't until eleven."

"Normally yeah but the test starts at eight thirty." She stops with her hand on the fridge door.

"What? Why?"

I shrug, grabbing a glass down from the cupboard, I set it gently on the counter for her. She pours herself a glass of apple juice. Sean goes to open the fridge again before he stops.

"Why are you up so early?" She directs the question to Sean who stares at the fridge like it has burned him.

"Couldn't sleep." He sighs before walking into the living room. He flops onto the couch. A grunt fills the silence followed by Sean lifting himself up just enough to pull Dillan's keys and the tv remote out from under him.

Evie and I exchange a look but say nothing. I excuse myself to go take a shower while Evie sips her apple juice and scrolls through Tic Tok.



I scroll aimlessly through my for you page waiting for the text from Sasha saying she's awake and ready to pack.

A video pops up with a short scene from a book. I'm about to scroll when I see who posted it, my new employer.

I'm supposed to start editing her next book as soon as school lets out for the summer. I've already posted to the pay to read website I upload to that the next thing I post may possibly be the last for a really long time.

I'm set to post the short book I've been working on in two days. I finished editing it yesterday and with my last final tomorrow for creative writing, the timing is perfect.

I like the video and continue to waste time on the video app. The shower turns off upstairs, a snore comes from the living room, a grunt from the den.

I rinse my glass out before placing it in the dishwasher. Who knew wasting time was so boring?

My phone buzzes on the counter. I lean across the island, swiping my phone. A text from Sasha awaits me.

Sasha: I'm up

Sasha: Alyssa says she'll join us later

Sasha: She also says she has something to tell us

I look up as Tanner comes down the stairs.
"Can I catch a ride to the school with you?" He looks at me, confusion scrunching his face.

"You know you don't have to ask right? I'll be happy to have you in my truck any chance I can get." We leave the house a few minutes later. The ride to the school is blanketed in comfortable silence. "Are the others packing today or is it just you?"

"I'm not sure. Probably all of us." He pulls into an empty parking spot. Throwing the truck in park Tanner turns to me, pulls me close, and kisses me softly. He pulls back, just enough to look at me.

"God, you're beautiful."

"Thank you." I lean forward with another kiss. "You gotta go or you'll be late."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He rounds the car to open my door and help me out. As soon as the door is closed he's running across the quad to make it to his class in time.

The dorms are only a short walk away. On the way I admire the wonderful weather we've been blessed with. Mid-seventies for all of today, sunny but cloudy, and a storm rolling in.

Sasha's waiting for me outside my door. She lights up when I walk out of the elevator. "You ready to do this?"

"I guess, I hope I don't have a roommate next semester. It was so nice to not have one."

"You hardly were in your room."

"Still, it was nice."

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