Chapter 8 Evie

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I think Tanner is trying to make everyone in class hate him. He has earned us an additional twenty pages of reading today because he can't keep his mouth shut. We only had twenty pages before he opened his big mouth.

He avoids everyone's eyes on the way out. People aren't glaring at me this week, their viscous eyes are pointed at him.

"I'm hungry." We were already walking toward the cafe we met in when he starts whining. Over the last week, we've become closer but there's still a huge gap between us. While I'm more comfortable with him, there are still times he scares me. It's not like he does anything wrong, he just has some mannerisms that remind me of high school.

"You're always hungry. I get at least one text from you a day talking about food. I think you have an issue." He feigns hurt, even going as far as clutching at his chest.

"I don't have a problem! I just love food." He dramatically huffs out.

"Fine, you don't have a problem. But, you don't have to complain about hunger when we're on our way to the cafe." I pause, contemplating my next question. "By the way, is Sean, Oli, and Dillan going to be there?" I can't decide if I want them to be there or not.

"Oli will. Dillan is still passed out from partying too hard last night. And I don't know about Sean, maybe." The cafe comes into view and of course Tanner speeds up, leaving me in his dust. I roll my eyes at his eagerness but I don't stop the smile from spreading.

He already snagged a table when I walked in and had ordered two waters for us. I take the seat next to him as I definitely would not want to sit next to Oli. Sean maybe but not Oli, he's too rambunctious.

"So. Tell me more about yourself." When I look up from the menu his gaze is already on me.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"About your childhood, if you have any siblings, if you've had any boyfriends and why the relationships didn't work out. Those kinds of things." Well, I'm not talking about my childhood today, so I go with the easier answers.

I look back at my menu so I don't have to look at him. "I have one sibling, a half-sister. She's a lot older than me, close to ten years. The courts awarded her mom with full custody so I rarely saw her. She became even more scarce when she turned sixteen and chose to stay with her mom full time with as little time spent with my dad as possible. Dad was understandably upset by that.

"I don't talk to her anymore for reasons you'll find out some other time. As for ex-boyfriends, I have one. Allan dated me when I was in eighth grade. I didn't realize it at the time, but our relationship was extremely toxic. He was a senior in high school and seventeen. I gave him all of my firsts. But in the end he chose someone else. Actually, my sister visited and he slept with her. I think they're still together. They deserve each other, both ugly pieces of shit."

Tanner is quiet beside me. The bell over the door chimes, followed by the voices of Oli and Sean. "Hey guys, sorry we're late."

I smile at them. "No worries, we haven't ordered yet. Do you know what you want?" I direct the question at Tanner but he seems to be frozen to the spot.

"Uh, you okay there buddy?" Oli slides into the booth across from us followed by Sean.

"Your ex is a dick."

"I'm aware, that's why he's my ex. Do you know what you want to eat?" I try to keep emotion out of my voice. While it's been a few years, it still stings that he chose my blood family over me but he's also a pedophile. I'm better off without him.


I've never heard silence so loud.

I know he finds me attractive but he's never outwardly flirted with me, at least not that I've realized.

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