Chapter 16 Evie

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I've been back in my dorm for a week now and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss sleeping in Tanner's bed. If I'm being honest, if he didn't have a stint of away games I would have stayed in his house with him for a while longer.

Everyone who was involved with drug distribution and everyone who raped both Alyssa and I have been officially served.

I know Tanner is upset that Jake took a plea deal but without it, a lot of people involved would have walked free. Not only that but with one saying it happened and willing to say exactly what happened, it's no longer our word against theirs.

It's looking more and more like we will get justice for the awful things that happened to us.

I just got off the phone with the local police where they informed me that Jake would like to talk to me. I'm waiting until Tanner's game is over so I can talk to him about this. I want to talk to him, I want to know why he did what he did but I'm scared.

The clock ticks over to another minute as I pace my room waiting for the text that will let me know when Tanner's game ends. I think they're playing St Cloud right now. They won the game against Michigan 5-2. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I've never been to a hockey game even though I'm dating a hockey player.

God that sounds odd. Me. Dating.

I never thought I'd find someone who would help me overcome my past, especially not so soon after leaving Montana.

A knock on my door brings me attention away from my head.

Alyssa barrels into my room the second the door is open wide enough to let her in. She flops onto my bed face down while I close my door and lock it. She doesn't say anything, doesn't move either.

"Are you okay Alyssa?"

A low groan rumbles my bed as her only response. I can't stop the chuckle that escapes me. The small sound earns me a piercing glare from my best friend.

"What's the matter Al?"

"You're using Sasha's nickname now?"

"Maybe, just seeing how it tastes on my tongue." I shrug nonchalantly. Something is obviously wrong but her deflecting won't help today. "What's going on?"

She gingerly pulls herself into a sitting position, leaning heavily against the wall. "I broke up with Jasper." I have to strain to hear her small whisper.

"Did you say what I think you just said?" Her glassy eyes raise to meet my brown one and she nods.

"He was mad that I never told him about my past. He said if he knew we would have never gotten together. After all, he doesn't want a whore for a girlfriend. His words, not mine. So I broke up with him." I know I should be sad but I'm over the moon she finally dropped that asshat.

I fling myself around her, squeezing her tightly into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. You don't deserve that shit in your life." She laughs half heartedly into my shoulder while she hides her face in my neck.

"For once, I think I actually believe you." A silence falls over the room as we hug. It's Sunday so neither of us have plans, I had hoped to spend the day writing. The popularity of my stories have skyrocketed and I'm thinking about possibly writing more of a book than a short story and see how that goes.

"Do you want to stay here for a while?" She nods against me. I won't mention it but my shoulder is dry as a bone. She hasn't shed a single tear since she came in here. "Alright, you know that's fine with me but I'm going to let go now. I'm going to write for a little while. Stay here as long as you need." She nods again before I release her and grab my laptop.

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