Chapter 17 Tanner

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I'm bouncing off the walls while I impatiently wait for Sean to get off the plane. I sat next to Collins so I was able to drag him off the plane and we were the first ones off. I only kind of feel bad since Sean is taking so long but I want to get home. There was a photo waiting for me once I turned my phone off airplane mode. Evie is sitting in my bed, wearing my clothes, smiling at the camera. She sent it with the caption 'Can't wait to see you *winking face emoji*'.

Collins sways on his feet as the next wave of our teammates files down the stairs onto the runway. We landed late, it's almost four in the morning and everyone is feeling it.

The plane was close to silent the entire flight since most of us were asleep.

It takes a few more minutes before Sean makes it to us. "Sorry Tanner, I tried to get off earlier but I got stuck."

"It's alright, let's head home."

The house is dark when we walk in. There's shifting on the couch that catches our attention while taking off our shoes. "Evie sweetheart, is that you?"

A soft groan fills the space. "I never want to hear you call me that again Tanner." Alyssa's voice comes from the couch before a lamp turns on. "Sorry, Evie said it would be okay if I stayed the night."

Sean's hockey bag thuds to the floor as he walks into the kitchen. "Yeah, that's fine. The den would be better though, It's like its own bedroom without a door."

"Oh, thanks." She looks around at us cautiously. "Did Evelyn tell you what happened?" She directs the question to me but continues to look between the three of us.

"Nope," I follow Sean into the kitchen where I'm reminded that we have no food. "Pizza anyone?" I get a chorus of yeses so I go about finding a place that's open at this time. "She said if you wanted me to know you would tell me yourself." I glance at her just in time to see a small smile quirk her lips.

"Of course she said that. She's the best." She falls silent for a few moments, debating something. "Can I stay here for a little while?"

The three of us share a confused look. Before any of us can respond Evie comes barreling down the stairs and jumps on me. Her legs wind tightly around my waist while her arms squeeze my neck. "I missed you." Her voice is a quiet breath against my ear.

"I missed you too." I feel her smile against my neck where she is currently burrowing her nose.

"Can Alyssa stay awhile?" She pulls back to look me in the eye. "I'll stay too if it helps."

Sean looks to me so I look to Collins, Collins flips us both off. "Yeah, I see no issue with that. Can we ask why though?"

Alyssa glances at Evie before releasing a long drawn out sigh. "I broke up with my boyfriend Jasper a few days ago." She looks up at me. "That's why I was sleeping in Evies room the other day. Well, when I got back to my room that night I checked my phone and saw a bunch of messages from him. I figured they were empty threats. He's always been all bark and no bite. But two days ago he started showing up at my dorm and banging on the door, yelling to let him in.

"Sasha called the campus police on him a few times but he just kept showing up. Evie mentioned she was coming here last night and offered for me to come with so I accepted. Sasha told me that it would be better if I wasn't in the dorm for the next few days. Or until he calms down."

"Why did you guys break up? I thought you were happy together." Sean seems to voice all of our thoughts. Last I knew they were getting along great and seemed incredibly happy with one another.

"We weren't happy. He was." She shakes her head slowly. "He wanted control over everything to do with me. Then when Marcus and Jake showed up, he lost that control. It made him really angry. He called me a lot of really awful things and said if he had known we would have never been together. He said he didn't want a whore as a girlfriend, so I broke up with him. He left a lot of messages saying he was sorry and that he responded poorly. But I was asleep when they came through. When I didn't respond the messages changed.

"He was no longer sorry, he was pissed. He threatened me, threatened to come to my dorm and not leave until I talked to him. I didn't think that was so bad until they kept coming. Eventually he started threatening to put me in the hospital and when that didn't work he threatened Sasha." She goes quiet but somehow I know she's not done. "He told me he'd hurt Evie, said he'd rape her."

The world feels like it stopped spinning. When I look down at the beauty in my arms she doesn't seem surprised by the information. My arms tighten around her, desperate to keep her safe.

"Both of you are staying here. If Sasha ever feels unsafe she's welcome as well. We'll figure out a place for her to sleep when the time comes." A beautiful smile lights up Evie's face.

"Thank you."

time skip

The girls fell asleep on the couch before the pizza arrived and slept right through the three of us loudly eating. They must have been exhausted. Sean carried Alyssa into the den while Collins got the pull out couch ready for her. Not once did she wake up.

Evie also slept right through me carrying her up to my room and the shower I took.

I slip on a pair of sweatpants before walking back into my room. I don't know where Evie and I stand on that front. She's made a few sexual jokes but there's never any heat behind them. I don't want to make her uncomfortable by walking around my room naked while she's here.

She's still laying in my bed but she's awake. She follows me with her eyes as I walk around to the unoccupied side and lay down next to her.

"I'm sorry." My forehead creases as I stare at her.

"Why?" She shies away from my gaze.

"Because, every time things seem to be going good, something from my past or my friends throws a wrench in it." Her honey eyes slowly rise to meet mine, glossy from her unshed tears.

"Baby, I know those aren't your fault. I would never blame you for the actions of someone else." Tears slowly fall from her eyes, which she tries to no avail to blink away. I use the back of my thumb to swipe them away before kissing her wet cheeks.

"Thank you." She cuddles into my chest, swinging a leg over my chest. We stay like that until we fall asleep. Neither of us have a morning class today so we can sleep in. Thank God for black out curtains.

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