Chapter 6 Tanner

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Evie: Good luck!

Dillan has already made fun of me for staring at my phone like an idiot but I can't believe it. When Oli texted me saying he was successful, I never imagined she would actually text me.

She's been ignoring my existence for the last few months. Why did she choose now to stop? Or maybe this is all I get.

"Dude, did you hear anything I just said?"

"Oh, sorry Dillan. I was thinking."

"Normally I'd make a joke about it but you've been staring at that text for hours." He's right. We're three hours into the road trip and I've been staring at her text for all of it.

"I know, I'm just surprised." Oli pops his head over the back of our seat.

"Maybe it was something I said. I mean, when I left she let me call her Evie." My nerves rack up when I think about what Oli might have told her. "Don't worry dude, she asked why you were so persistent so I told her that she interests you and that's probably why."

I guess she would be wondering why I'm still pursuing her after she's blatantly told me to fuck off, maybe not those exact words but close enough. It's not like she's the only one confused with my interest in her, my teammates don't understand it either.

"There's just something about her. I knew from the moment I met her that she's special. Maybe it's because she slapped me and ignored me that first night, I don't know." Johnson turns around to face me.

"She slapped you! And you still want her? Dude, why didn't you tell me you were a masochist?" Laughter erupts all around us, including from me.

Me: Thanks

Me: Gotta say I'm surprised

Me: I didn't expect you to use my number

I wait with bated breath for her response. The conversation continues around me but I tune them out.

Evie: Don't get used to it. Oli just mentioned your team has a few games coming up. I was being polite.

I don't care if that's why she sent it, all I care is that she took the time to send it. I spend the rest of the trip smiling like a lunatic while sending her messages that go unanswered.

We won the game and set up camp in a nearby motel. We have another game tomorrow and two the day after, then we get to go home.

Me: We won!

Evie: Congrats

I can imagine the dry tone she used which made me laugh. Sean and I are bunking tonight so he's peering over my shoulder, reading my texts.

"I can't believe she actually texted you."

"Neither can I." I back out of the app and open my emails. I see one about schedules so I open my school account and see my schedule has been updated. It's pretty basic classes, math, science, history, and an elective. I choose creative writing as mine since I'm awful at writing, maybe it will help me get better. "What's your schedule? I got mine."

I have to help him log into his student portal, his login rarely works which is stupid. We have history together but that's it. "You should ask Evie if you have a shared class." His teasing tone lets me know he thinks he's funny. I flip him the bird on my way to the bathroom.

-Time Skip-

We played four games over the three days. We won three of them and lost the fourth by one point. But we're still on track to play in the frozen four.

We're swarmed by classmates when we dismount the bus. All of them congratulating us. I scan the crowd knowing she's not here but wishing she was. Evie has wished me luck before every game but that's all her text consists of. If we win, she congratulates, if we lose she says better luck next time. All of my texts about anything that's not hockey related goes ignored.

Classes start tomorrow and I gotta say, I'm excited. I've been bored, there's nothing to do when I don't work and hockey doesn't take all day. I've stopped going to parties, to my teammates dismay, but they don't seem as fun lately.

Is this what growing up means? Nothing is fun anymore?

If it is, I want to stay young forever.

The campus is bustling with activity as I walk across the quad toward my parked truck. I'm not in the mood to talk to people right now, too tired for human interaction. But a pale beauty with shiny black hair catches my attention and holds it hostage.

Some days I wonder if she knows how pretty she actually is. She has that girl next door vibe going on and it's a huge change from all the girls who try to hang off of me. Evie is the rain in my drought.

She's also caught me staring. Neither of us move as we stare from across the quad. She's wearing high heeled combat boots, black tights, a yellow school girl skirt, a black turtleneck that's tucked in, and her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, Ariana Grande style. She looks fucking ethereal.

I make the first move as always and approach her. Instead of ignoring me like she normally does she gives me her undivided attention and fuck me if it doesn't feel nice.

"Congratulations on your victories. I'm sure they're well deserved." She has that polite tone that people tend to call a 'customer service voice' and it stings a little.

"Thanks." I wink at her but of course she offers no response to that. I release a sigh as I rub the back of my neck. "Look, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I'm hoping that now we are texting we can move forward as friends."

She stares blankly at me causing my heart to plummet. "I can't guarantee anything, I already don't have time for my current friends, all two of them. We can try but you probably will be really disappointed. My first priority will always be school. I told you before that I'm here to make a better future for myself, not make friends and have relationships. As long as you're okay with that then we can try."

I feel the smile growing on my face before I can tamp it down. "Yeah, we'll start slow." An awkward silence falls over us, neither knowing what to say.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, I have to get back to work. I guess I'll, uh, see you later?"

"Oh, sure. Where do you work?" I'm desperate to keep her here, even if it isn't for long.

"I write short stories and upload them on a pay to read website. It pays well enough that I continue." She shuffles her feet in the snow but when the silence continues to drag she turns and leaves. I watch her until she's out of sight before heading the opposite direction to my truck.

Maybe we aren't a lost cause after all.

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