Chapter 14 Evie

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It's been two weeks of me living with Tanner. He's great, so is Sean and Collins, but I really want my own space back.

The dean has been made aware of the problem with Marcus and Jake and has double security around campus. All of the members of faculty have been given updated photos of both of them and have been given instructions to contact campus security if they see either of them.

A few days ago Collins' dad got back to him about his partner's connections. Turns out there was a report about all of the incidents, but none of them were filed.

Mrs. Paterson is a kind old lady who works for the local police in Libby. She has a close friend active in the field who had her document every encounter. Her friend hated that they couldn't file a report because their superiors told them not to. So she asked Mrs. Paterson to make the reports but not file them, that way there was proof that something happened.

So there has been documentation of every incident from my father to the last time anyone touched us. I can't describe the weight that has been taken off of my chest when I learned of this.

When this is all done I am going to thank Mrs. Paterson and her mysterious friend. If it weren't for them then there wouldn't be a case against everyone involved, including the police who refused to follow protocol and take action against rapists.

I'm not quite sure what all can be done now since it's been five years for my dad and two for everyone else but I've been told they will get prosecuted.

It's Friday and Tanner and I are in creative writing. The professor is going over something in the textbook. He's halfway through his sentence when he sees something in the hallway.

Hushed conversations arise when he pauses and locks the door. He holds up his hand in a give-me-a-moment gesture. He calls someone and proceeds to have a hushed conversation with whoever is on the other line.

"All right class!" He retakes his position by the whiteboard. "It has been brought to my attention there is someone lurking by my classroom door that should not be here. Until security can handle this person, everyone is to remain inside the room."

Hands start flying up left and right. He calls on someone a few seats away from me. "Are you implying there is someone dangerous in the hall right now?"

"Good question. Not necessarily. The person outside bears a shocking resemblance to a person I have been told to keep an eye out for. As far as I am aware this person is not dangerous in the sense that they may attack. I have not been given the exact reason why I need to inform security of his presence but I know it is important that everyone stays calm and seated."

He motions for the rest of the hands to go down and continues his lecture. I try to stay focused but it's hard when I'm pretty sure I know who's on the other side of the door.

Tanner nudges me as he shows me his phone where there's a conversation open.

Collins: Someone who fits Jake Schelve's description has been taken to the dean

Collins: I've been informed that it is indeed Jake Schelve

Collins: Security is on their way to who they believe is Marcus Flocken



"Well, it's a good thing the door is locked." I don't know how I'm so calm, maybe it has to do with the two weeks I have had to cope with the knowledge they were on their way.

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