Chapter 3 Evie

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Ella ignores me when I enter. She doesn't say anything while I get ready for bed and put all of my things away. I set my alarm for eight a.m. and crawl into bed. The tension in the air is so thick it could be cut with a butter knife but neither of us tries to break it.

After a few minutes, the room is filled with soft snoring, which when I met her she swore she didn't do. My annoyance wracks up with every passing minute. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care but she snores so loud I'm worried we might get a noise complaint.

I could go to the office tomorrow and ask for a new roommate but I'm worried I might be paired with someone else like her. I send off a text to my Aunt Janessa, if anyone would know what to do, it would be her.

Me: Hey, I need advice

Me: My roommate is awful

Me: Should I ask to be moved to a different dorm?

Me: What if they put me with someone worse?

Me: Auntie, I need help

I set my phone down before I send more and accidentally wake her up. She lives in Seattle and works two jobs just so she can afford the live there. It's two a.m. here which means it's eleven p.m. there but she works at four so she's probably asleep.

I shut my eyes, hoping to wake up to a text from her with my much-needed answers.

-Time Skip-

I turn my alarm off while climbing out of bed. Ella is still snoring softly and relief rushes through me. I really don't want to deal with her this early.

I throw on a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a loose T-shirt before grabbing my headphones and phone. I close the door with a soft click, locking it behind me. I would prefer to be up earlier but I was up way too late for that.

I gear up for my morning walk, I've already planned out my route, three miles around the campus. Hopefully, there won't be too many people awake.

As I enter the elevator, I get caught up on my notifications. I'm elated to see Aunt Janessa replied.

Auntie J: It wouldn't hurt to try

Auntie J: What kind of awful is she?

Auntie J: Bratty or bitchy?

Me: Bitchy

Me: She kicked me out last night from six to two so she could 'have fun' with her boyfriend

Me: Didn't give me a say in the matter

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm walking into the dorm office. The woman behind the desk looks up as I walk in.

"Good morning. How can I help you, young lady?" She's a sweet old lady that I met a few weeks ago when I found out what dorm I'd be in.

"Oh uh, I was wondering if I could move dorms. Like, get a new roommate? I don't think I'll do too well with my current one." She's typing away before I can finish my sentence.

"What's the matter with her? Or is it you? Before I can re-assign, I need a reason."

"Well, I had just finished unpacking yesterday when she walked in and told me to leave. She was having her boyfriend over and she needed the room from six p.m. to two a.m. Once the semester starts I'm afraid she'll continue and it will affect my sleep and therefore my grades." She stops typing to study me.

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