Chapter 13 Tanner

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The drive home is quiet, really quiet. The radio is off and no one speaks. I can't decipher my emotions. I'm mad. I'm worried. I'm upset. But it doesn't matter what I am, all that matters right now is Evie.

She pressed right up next to me while I drive. Close enough to feel me but not so close that I can't control my truck with ease. I have my right arm draped around her back so I can rub soothing circles on her shoulder.

I had sent a text to Collins to make sure he's home. I pulled him aside after practice earlier and told him about Evie and her past. If someone from said past is trying to track her down, and has succeeded, he'll know what to do.

Thankfully he's in the living room when we all file in. So is Sean who I assume Collins wrangled up.

"What's going on? Hey Oli."

"Hey." Sean and Oli nod their heads in greeting.

I guild Evie to the couch and have her sit down. Alyssa sits on her left and I take her right. Sasha, Alyssa's roommate settles on the arm of the couch next to Alyssa. Oli decides to remain standing along with Collins but Sean takes a seat in one of our armchairs.

"I talked to you earlier Collins, this is about that." His jaw tenses in response. The situation the two women by my side were put in pisses him off just as much as it does me.

"Am I the only one lost here?" Sean looks around at everyone expectantly.

"Nah, they haven't told me shit. Other than some bad guys were in contact with Evie's old roommate Ella."

"The fuck does that mean?"

"It means exactly what he said." I don't mean to snap at the two but I do anyway. If they keep talking we'll never get anywhere. "Evie, Alyssa," I turn my attention to my right where the two girls sit, "it's up to you guys. It's your past."

They exchange looks. Whatever passes between them is quick but Alyssa speaks up. "Evie's dad isn't a good man. He did a despicable thing and got away with it. Because of that some guys at school learned they could get away with it as well. The guy that contacted Ella is one of those guys. He has connections that secured him a lot of date rape drugs. Drugs he and his friends used on Evie and I. Marcus mentioned Jake, one of those friends. I don't know how but they now know that Evie goes to school here and seem to have decided to take a road trip. The earliest they could be here is Tuesday, it's like a thirty-five hour trip by car."

"Am I correct in assuming these guys drugged and took advantage of both of you?" Oli takes a step closer to the girls, I presume he means it in a protective manner but it comes off more predatory.

"Yes, they are two of them." Evie mumbles beside me. If the room wasn't silent I don't think anyone would have heard her.

"Of them? How fucking many?" Collins puts a hand on Sean's shoulder to keep him seated.

"Including Evie's father there were four."

"Because of my father there were five."

I watch as the information ping-pongs around in their head before settling in. Thankfully they leave that information be, latching onto something else. "So what do we do?"

"How do we stop these assholes?"

Finally Collins joins the conversation. "I talked to my dad after our conversation earlier. Turns out one of his partners has connections in Montana. I'm waiting to hear back but since the police refused to do their fucking jobs, the only 'proof' we have that it happened is the call they responded to."

"What do you mean they refused to do their jobs?" Oli looks between the women including Sasha into his question.

"They refused to file a report. They didn't even take a recorded statement." All eyes turn to Sasha. I figured she knew but I didn't ask in case she didn't.

"Isn't that illegal?" Oli looks at Collins.

"No, not technically anyways."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It is up to the police officer. If they believe the matter to be civil they do not need to file it." You wouldn't know it by looking at him but Collins is from a family of lawyers and police officers.

"That's fucking stupid." I nod my agreement.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. But we can do something to stop it from happening again." Evie clutches at my arm drawing my attention to her. She still looks scared but she calmed down a lot in the last hour.

"I agree. Sasha, you and Alyssa share a room right?" They both nod. "Evie, who is your roommate?" She looks at Collins before looking back at me.

"Uh, I don't have a roommate."

"You're staying here." Three voices echo at once. At least everyone is in agreement.

"Are you sure that's alright?"

"Evie, sweetie, you basically live alone. There is no way in Hell that we are letting you go back to your room when we know two God awful people are looking for you. You are staying here." Her brown eyes stare deeply into mine.

"Okay." She nods like she's made up her mind. "What about Sasha and Alyssa?"

Sean stands and walks toward the front closet only to return with a metal baseball bat. "From the sounds of it, they aren't looking for Alyssa, only you. So until that changes, here's a baseball bat. Aim for the balls." A shit eating grin spreads across his face as he hands Alyssa the weapon.

"I'll see if I can talk to the dean first thing tomorrow. He's more likely to listen when it comes from me, unfortunately." Collins uncle is friends with the dean so he's right, if the dean was to listen to anyone it would be Collins.

Evie tugs on my sleeve until I look at her. "Can you take me to my dorm so I can pack for the next little while?"

"Yeah, let's go."

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