Chapter 21 Evie

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The man in the seat next to me is watching me. I haven't caught him doing it yet but I know he is. Call it my intuition, but I know when I'm being watched. I'm fed up by the middle of the second quarter and decide to call him out on it.

"Can I help you with something?" My tone comes out harsher than I mean it too but this guy is seriously creeping me out.

He looks startled by my voice and nervously glances at me. He examines me like I've just grown a second head. I can't get a read on this guy. He was already here when we got here and sat down, but he didn't seem thrilled to be here. I know he's sitting in Tanner's family seats, just like I am but I have no idea who he is.

"Sorry, that came out harsher than I meant it to. I'm Evelyn, but my friends call me Evie. What's your name?" He continues to watch me silently. It's becoming unnerving. "Look, I know Tanner knows you, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting in his family seats. I just want to know who you are to him."

He watches me for a moment more before finally opening his mouth. "Tanner hasn't mentioned me?"

I quirk my head to the side. "Uh, maybe. I'm not sure. I can't tell you for sure unless I know your name."

He chuckles lightly, a giant weight seemingly lifting off his shoulders. "My name is Jensen. But before I tell you anything else, can I ask what your relation to Tanner is?"

"Tanner is my boyfriend." He jumps back slightly, definitely surprised.


"I'm dating Tanner Shaw." I hesitate, I told my friends earlier how I felt about Tanner, needing their minds to help decipher my emotions but somehow I know this man needs to hear this. "We've been together for a few weeks now but before that he had been trying to convince me to give him a chance all of last semester. I know it seems early and premature to say this, but I love him. I love that man so much it hurts."

A silence descends over the two of us as I give him a chance to process my words. "Let me reintroduce myself," he extends a hand toward me which I take in mine and give a small shake. "I'm Jensen Reynolds, Mia's father."

time skip

The first thing I do when I see Tanner is slap him. Maybe not the best reaction but one that warranted nonetheless. At least Jenson laughs when the back of my hands hits Tanner's cheek.

"What was that for?" He pouts, pushing his bottom lip out as he cradles his now red cheek.

"Don't you dare. You know exactly what that was for." He flinches back but at least has the decency to look sorry.

"Son," Jensen clasps a hand to his shoulder, "I'm proud of you, and you deserved that."

I watch as Tanner tries to comprehend what's going on. His eyes pinball between Jensen and I before landing on me.

"I take it you know who one another is." He scratches at the back of his neck, now avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, imagine my surprise when I learned I introduced myself as your girlfriend to your last girlfriend's dad. Tanner, I was mortified." Jensen chuckles next to me.

"I already told you it's alright. It's been five years since we lost Mia, I would be more concerned if Tanner hadn't even tried to move on." Tanner's eyes glance over to Jensen, taking in his old friend.

"You came."

"Of course I came! You asked me to be here."

"Well, we haven't talked in two years, I didn't know if you still wanted anything to do with me." Jensen's eyes soften.

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