Chapter 37 Tanner

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That's what she is as she walks across the stage. Her long black hair is styled to perfection in beautiful waves that cascade down her back, the small bun I know is there almost indistinguishable.

The sadness I felt when we lost so close to the Stanly Cup finals dissipates as I watch the love of my life accept her diploma, now allowing her to permanently move in with me.

She can't see me where I'm hidden. Today's about her, not me. It was bad enough when I graduated and I stole the thunder of so many of my classmates. I know a lot of them didn't care, but I did. They worked just as hard as I did but I got far more recognition than I deserved. Evie always said I was being too harsh on myself and maybe I am, but that doesn't ease the guilt I felt when the paparazzi showed up and ruined the ceremony for so many people.

That's why I'm sitting in the far corner surrounded by all of her friends and family. We're hidden away so there is no way for us to steal the show.

Evie steps down from the podium, head on a swivel. I'm sure she's looking for us but she won't be able to see us, we're too far away. I can't see her facial expression but I'm sure she's disappointed when she doesn't spot us on the way back to her seat.

I pull out my phone and zoom in, snapping a photo when she glances over the crowd in our direction.

More names are called but my eyes stay glued to her as she stands and claps for her friends.

A few hours later we're making our way down the stairs searching for them in the mass crowd in the middle of the building. Kids scream and run between guests mulling about, causing a ruckus.

I've always wanted kids but now as I see them and imagine them as mine and Evie's, I know that want has turned into a need, as long as Evie will have them. We've had the discussion a few times but it was never serious, now it will be.

Oli stops in front of me causing me to run into his back. "Why'd you stop?" I glance over his shoulder to where he's looking. Sasha stands with her back to us talking to her parents. Next to her is Evie and Alyssa.

As if sensing our eyes on them, the three girls turn to look over their shoulders at the same time. A smile blossoming on all of their faces. Sasha shoves them both lightly in our direction, following behind them when they finally move.

"Alyssa." Oli's voice is choked as he fails to catch his breath. I had a feeling when Oli met Alyssa that he had a small crush on her but I never anticipated for them to be a couple, let alone one that's as strong as Evie and I. "You look like an angel." Said woman blushes as she pulls him down for a kiss.

A throat clears next to me bringing my attention to the most beautiful woman in the world. "Hello, princess."

"Hi, are you done watching our friends make out?" She crosses her arms with her eyebrows raised. "I'm waiting for my kiss and I'm starting to get impatient." My smile grows impossibly bigger as I pull her into me and let her kiss the smile off my face.

"Better." I rasp against her lips.

"Not yet." She pulls my mouth back to hers. Loud groans arise around us from our single friends while Heaven squeals again. She loves PDA even when it includes her daughter.

As I pull away I peer down at her, "God, I love how short you are." She scoffs, turning her back slightly to me.

"I'm not short." Evie protests to the sound of the guy's laughter. "I'm average." She looks too damn cute with her arms crossed ever her chest as she pouts. I pull her into me by her waist as I nuzzle into her neck.

"Princess, there's nothing about you that's average." That earns me another kiss as she giggles against my lips.

She pulls back to look at me sympathetically and pats my chest. "Too bad you're the very definition." I scoff at her but let the comment fly this time, she'll make up for it tonight and she knows it.

"Evelyn! Oh my, you look like a princess. My baby girl is all grown up now." Heaven's words blur together as she pulls Evie from my embrace into hers. She cries into her daughter's shoulder as they rock together on the concrete.

"Thank you, mom. I missed you." They continue to have a hushed conversation while Natalia and Mona approach the group with their families.

Over the next hour we talk and congratulate other graduates as we slowly, and I mean very slowly, make our way out to the cars.

Evie climbs into the passenger seat while Dillan and Heaven take the back seat. Collins and Sean are riding with Sasha and Oli and Alyssa said they'll be late getting to the house. I wonder why.

The car ride is filled with Evie and Dillan catching up, they have never been super close but are still fairly good friends. Evie tells him about the job she currently has and how she is not a big fan of her boss. My jaw clenches as she continues to describe the creep.

I've never personally met him and hope I never do. He takes every opportunity to flirt with Evie knowing damn well I'm her boyfriend. I remember her telling me he didn't believe her at first and it took photos from a gossip magazine to convince him.

When Evie told me about that incident I almost flew from California back here to meet him in person and introduce myself so he knew she was taken. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have made it back in time for my game so I had to make do with knowing she was able to 'convince' him she had a boyfriend.

I hate men like that. The ones who think every girl who says they have a boyfriend is lying. Like seriously, if they're lying it's for a reason, take the fucking hint and leave them alone.

"Have you looked into other employers?"

Evie turns around to face him as best she can. "I'm in contact with this author who is new to the publishing world and is looking to make a team. She has three books out right now which sounds impressive, which it is, but she has had them written for like four years and just now got the confidence to publish. One blew up so she decided to continue writing. She offered me a job and I'm really considering taking it. I loved working for that first author for the summer, I think I'll benefit from a small intimate team instead of a chain publisher."

"Yeah, I remember how happy you were when you first started with her. Why'd you stop anyways?"

"Oh," Evie quiets. "Uh, I took over for her pregnant editor who didn't know if she wanted to come back or be a stay-at-home mom. She chose to come back."

I pull into the driveway as the garage slowly opens revealing Jensen's van. Evie is still looking at Dillan, her attention fully on him so she doesn't notice until I'm helping her out of the truck.

"Jensen's here?" When I nod and move to the door, she follows behind wearily. "Why wasn't he at my graduation?"

I stay silent as I pull her into the dark house.

"Tanner? What's going on?" I lead her up the stairs, leaving Dillan and Heaven in the kitchen.

"Nothing, princess. He just texted and said he wouldn't make it on time. An accident on the freeway, I think. So, he came here instead." She digs her feet into the ground outside the bedroom door, forcing me to stop.

"So why are we up here instead of saying hi?" I sigh as my hands travel to her waist and pull her flush to me.

"Because I'm going to have to share you for the rest of the night. I was hoping to get a few minutes alone before everyone else got here." Good, keep stalling. I just have to keep her up here until Alyssa and Oli get here. I don't want to do this without them. Hopefully, Oli doesn't get carried away and remembers the plan for tonight.

"But I want to say hi to Jensen." Evie pouts but doesn't resist as I steer her into the room.

"I know." I kiss her neck as I push her against the door. "You can in a moment, but I've needed to properly kiss you for hours. Forgive me if I can't wait any longer." She giggles as my lips ghost over her neck and down her collarbone. The front door opens downstairs as voices float in. "Ten minutes, then we can go mingle. Deal?"

She sighs into my hair. "Deal."

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