Chapter 27 Evie

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I feel beautiful.

I knew I looked good when I was putting this on but when Tanner looks at me this way, speechless. I feel like the most beautiful girl ever.

I wait for him to approach but he's still dumbfounded. "Tanner." My voice is a gentle reminder.

"Yeah?" God, he's so cute when he's like this.

"Come here." His feet remain rooted to the floor. "Tanner." He mumbles an unintelligible response. "Now."

He finally spurs into action, taking the step that eliminates the space between us. Though he doesn't touch me, just stares. I sigh, I know I look hot, but the point was to get him moving, not whatever this is. I think his final fried his brain cells.

I push to standing, molding my body against his. He blinks but still doesn't move. I wrap my arms around his neck, yanking his head down in the process so I can slant my mouth against his.

It takes a second but he responses. The kiss goes from soft to starved in a few seconds and the next thing I know I'm on my back, splayed out on Tanner's bed as he hovers over me.

"God damn baby. You look-" his words taper off as he searches for the right one. "Incredible."

"Thank you." With my arms still around his neck I pull him back down, needing another kiss.

I never knew someone could get addicted to kissing but here I am, addicted to the feeling of Tanners mouth on mine. Going even a few days without a kiss makes me feel like I'm going through withdrawal. How are we going to do long distance when I'm addicted to him like an addict is to meth?

I pull him closer, needing to feel his body against mine. Needing to feel how perfect we fit together. Who knows how we're going to do this. I guess we'll just have to figure it out together because being apart isn't an option, not anymore.

He trails kisses down my neck until he reaches the spot where my neck meets my shoulder and bits down, drawing a low moan groan my throat. He was so proud of himself when he found that spot last month, now he abuses it.

His tongue pokes out to soothe the ache but it's only temporary. His hands find their way around my neck and suddenly a pressure is released as my chocker is pulled away and discarded somewhere on the floor.

I open my mouth but Tanner beat me to it. "I know, I know. I'll pick it up later." I smile against his hair.

Another bite, this time on the skin just above my left breast forcing me back into the moments as a whimper falls from my mouth. The fucker smiles against my skin like he's proud of himself.

His teeth scrap the lacy fabric of my bralette as I squirm under him, both under stimulated and over. My skin feels like molten lava is running just under it. Every touch, every kiss feels like not enough and too much against my heated overly sensitive skin.

He makes no move to remove any more fabric, instead moving onto my stomach where he places more open-mouthed kisses. At the rate he's going he's bound to leave marks.

I open my mouth to tell to stop teasing me but he bites down just above my belly button forcing a squeak out instead.

"Your skin is so soft, so perfect, a blank canvas for me to leave my mark on so everyone knows your mine." My face heats when I see him looking up at me, his chin resting just above my naval.

Holy fuck, his cheeks are rosy, sage eyes dilated making them seem darker, hair a fluffy mess from my nail that I hadn't noticed were running threw it, puffy lips from our kissing and his sucking. We haven't hardly done anything, and he already looks freshly fucked. I can't imagine I look much better.

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