Chapter 31 Evie

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I place my finished test on my professor's desk on my way out. She gives me a small nod in recognition as she continues to grade the test of the first person to finish. I should have my final grade by tonight which is exciting. I know, I know. That's so quick! Well, this professor scheduled the text for today because she didn't have anything else to do and knew she could go one class at a time and have everything graded in time. To all their own I guess, that would be far too much pressure for me.

I check my phone on the way out of the lecture hall. Tanner messaged an hour ago he was on his way which means I have about two and half to three hours before he arrives.

I plan on using that time to tidy up the house and take a shower. Thankfully I live with clean people, maybe not as big of clean freaks as I am but close, so there's really nothing to do. It should take no longer than an hour and I'll be able to take a much needed shower.

I've been stiff all week and taking a scolding shower might just be the answer, if not I'll ask Tanner to give me a long, long massage.

I start with the kitchen, running the dishwasher while wiping the counters down. Like I thought, there's not much to do in here so I move onto the living room. I dust and vacuum, refold the blankets and fluff the pillows. The same deal for the den.

When I get to the downstairs bathroom the dishwasher is still running and it says I still have a half an hour before it's done.

This bathroom is hardly used so it stays fairly clean. Again I know, everything seems to already be clean but like I said, we're a clean bunch. I clean the toilet and wipe down the sink, take out the trash, and sweep and mop.

I move to the stairs, vacuuming them as I go up. The loft is a completely different story. We all slept in here last night so it's messy. Pillows and blankets everywhere. Chips and pizza boxes on the coffee table. I cringe at the mess but start cleaning. I bring all the trash down and all the cups, plates, and bowls. I fold all of the blankets and stick them back in the linen closet with the extra pillows that don't belong in someone's room.

I vacuum after wiping down every surface and by the time I get back downstairs the dishwasher is done. I empty it and hand wash all the dishes I just brought down so there's nothing waiting to be done.

I check the time to realize I have half an hour, max an hour before Tanner arrives and I do not smell good. I bypass my room, if I have spare time I'll tidy up in here as well but I desperately need a shower.

I spend nearly the entire thirty minutes under the scaling spray but the water has done nothing to ease the tension. Looks like I get to ask Tanner to put his hands on me, though I doubt I'll have to ask. I just mention it and he's all over me.

I throw on my favorite hoodie of his and shorts that you can hardly see. Surprisingly, he's still not here but I no longer have the motivation to clean so I make my way downstairs where the girls have finally gotten home.

"How was your last class?" I take a seat between the two and click on the tv.

"It was okay. I did good on the test, I'm sure of it. But I can't wait to see Tanner. It's been almost three months since we've seen each other in person. I miss him." Sasha bumps my shoulder as Alyssa leans on me.

We stay cuddled up for the next hour waiting for the front door to open but it never does. I check my phone but I have no new notifications. I try calling but it goes straight to voicemail. My anxiety spikes the longer there's no word from him. This isn't like Tanner, what if something happened? What if he's hurt? What if-

The door swings open and in walks Tanner. I'm up the second his presence registers in my mind, wrapping myself around him like a koala. I nuzzle my nose into his neck, inhaling deeply. He smells like a bonfire mixed with the day after it rains in the woods.

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