Chapter 30 Evie

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3 Years later

"The sex is fucking phenomenal, but I think you already know that." Mona giggles from her spot across from me. We're still waiting on Natalia, as always. The three of us were supposed to meet up here almost half an hour ago.

"Well obviously, no one can get a hold of you when you visit him." Mona Simons is a girl I met last year in my advanced writing class. She's majoring in journalism while it's my minor. She wants to be a reporter and has been offered a job at a firm in Vancouver, the side of the city in America.

We hit it off immediately on the first day of classes. I arrived late because my previous class went over. When I entered the lecture hall the only seat left was next to the amazing person in front of me.

I took the only seat remaining, planning on keeping to myself. You tend to do that when your boyfriend of three years is a multi-millionaire who plays for the Columbus Cheetahs. He's made quite a name for himself.

Well, my plan for staying away from people was thrown out the window when Mona turned to me before my butt even hit the seat, introducing herself and declaring I was going to be her new best friend.

We've been inseparable ever since.

"Hey! Look, it's the fat ass from my class!" The irking voice floats through the air, landing right where the perpetrator wanted it to, on Mona. Laughter erupts around the small cafe, all eyes landing on us. Mona tries to shrink in on herself but there's nowhere to go.

"Hey," I place a soothing hand over hers. "Don't listen to that jackass." I raise my voice loud enough for him to hear. "Did you get tired of spending your daddy's money? Is it not getting you laid anymore? I don't blame the girls who leave you, if the only good thing you have to offer is your dad, I'd choose him too." He goes bright red, my words hitting their mark.

Trevor is known around campus as a high spender. He would splurge every chance he got until his dad cut him off, only paying for the basic necessities. The girls that used to hang around him left for someone better, someone richer. Even his girlfriend left him, and to add insult to injury, she's now dating his father.

It's what he gets for being rude. He's one of those guys who thinks women should be a certain size, that size being a six or smaller. Mona isn't one of those girls. She has curves to spare and despite what she seems to think, she's gorgeous.

We've gone shopping enough for me to know her size and I can't believe she thinks that she's 'large'. A size twelve is not large. It's not plus sized. It's beautiful. And one day she's going to find that man that's going to look at her like she hung the moon and worship the ground she walks on.

Trevor stomps, yes I mean stomps, like a baby, out of the building, his entourage scurrying after like lost puppies. It's a little pathetic if you ask me.

"Thanks Evie."

"There's no need to thank me for being a good friend. He had it coming and I just happen to be the one to give it to him. He's a dickwad that doesn't have eyes. I mean look at you, you're smart, kind, pretty, and sweet. The ultimate catch." A pretty blush works its way up her tanned skin.

She has light brown curls that fall just past her shoulders. Beautiful Ocean blue eyes that suck you in and make it near impossible to find your way out. Her straight nose points down to full pink lips. All of that wrapped up in a heart shaped face. Like I said, she's fucking pretty.

Add that to her short stature and boys go crazy.

My phone dings on the table between us, a text awaiting me from Natalia. I sigh as I reread it a few times. "Nate says she's stuck at home. Her parents keep adding to her plate before she can head out." I know it's not her fault but her parents really need to let up. She's twenty two for heaven's sake! She shouldn't have to ask permission to go somewhere.

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