Chapter 22 Tanner

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Beautiful. Exquisite. A masterpiece.

Evie's raven hair fans out around her as I brace myself above her. I'm elated. She loves me and I love her. There is nothing in this world that can take her from me now. She's mine and I'm hers.

I nuzzle my nose into her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. Lavender with a hint of vanilla. Somehow, she smells like happiness. Like everything right in the world.

I feel her smile against my cheek. I bet it looks amazing. I lean back and sure enough, it is. She is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Wow, how did I get so lucky?

"What is it?" Her voice is soft, filled with concern.

I shake my head, a smile widening my lips. "Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend."

"Oh." Her head tilts to the side, causing her hair to fan father under her head.

"I may also be thinking about how badly I want to fuck you until you can't walk tomorrow." My smile turns into a seductive smile. A brilliant blush climbs up her chest onto her cheeks.

"Well?" My brow furrowed. "What are you waiting for?"

My lips crash onto hers forcing them open to allow me in. Our tongues fight for dominance, neither of us giving up the fight.

Evie's nails scratch my scalp, pulling my hair taught. She swallows my grunt of pain.

I move down her body, nipping and kissing every piece of exposed skin.

Evie whimpers, squirming against my assault on her body. "Tanner." Her breathy whine pulls a smirk to my lips. I love knowing I do this to her. Me, nobody else. I'm the only one who gets her noises.

"Yes princess?"

"Stop teasing." My chuckle rumbles over her belly button where I have moved her clothing to the side to reveal her skin.

I tisk, "impatient." I see a frown stretch her face, completely unimpressed by me. "Fine." I pull her into a sitting position. I slip the maroon fabric of my jersey over her head, albeit reluctantly. My last name looks perfect across her back.

I toss my jersey off to the side before moving onto my hoodie. I smile knowing she chose to wear my clothes instead of hers. I've been trying to convince her it's alright to wear my clothing, that I prefer she wears my clothing so everyone knows she's mine. But only recently has she warmed up to the idea.

A black lacy bralette covers her tits, barely hiding her rosy nipples. A tortured groan rumbles out of my chest. "You had this on the entire time?"

She shyly nods, a devious look flashes across her eyes.

"Naughty girl." Her pretty blush darkens. "I love it." My tongue flicks out, pressing against her nipple over the fabric.

I play with her tits over the lace, pulling whimpers and mewled moans from my girl. She squirms under me, wiggling away from my mouth. My hands clap onto her waist, pulling her back down. "Where do you think you're going?"

I shimmy her leggings off to reveal a matching pair of panties, and oh fuck. "Incredible." I breathe out, eyes locked onto the goddess in human form.

She turns her head to the side, avoiding my simmering gaze. I hook my finger under her chin, pulling her eyes back to mine. "I want you to watch as I make you come on my tongue. Every time you look away, I stop." She whimpers and nods, desperate for my touch.

I ditch my suit jacket and unbutton the top few buttons on my white dress shirt. Evie's' eyes darken further with every button I unfasten. I leave the bottom half done up, choosing to slide her lacy panties off instead.

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