Where it all started.

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6:44 AM, 23.12.2008

My alarm woke me up. I quickly shut it up and looked at the ceiling. My phone was buzzing like crazy, I was very confused as to who might it be. I picked up my phone and saw an unknown number was texting me.

"Hey Chloe!! Its Bill, I got your number from..Leo? Was that his name? I dont know but, do you wanna walk to school together? :)" The message read.

I responded quickly.

"Hi Bill, yea. I live right next to you so why not haha." Message sent.

I got up and went to the bathroom, doing my usual morning routine. I put on black flare jeans and a black & white hoodie with a print on the front, leaving my hair down. I got downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen, sipping a glass of water. I felt bad for her at the moment.

"Good morning mom. Uh, wheres dad?" I ask while smiling slightly.

"Oh good morning Chloe, hes in the bedroom sleeping, im suprised he slept there too. Do you need mon-"

"Oh, okay. And I dont need money, its fine."

"Are you sure?" She asks a bit suprised.

"Yea, dont worry about it. Im leaving now, bye." I wave a small goodbye as I put on my converse and my gray puffer jacket.

Walking out of my house, I saw Bill waiting for me with a slight smile.

"Hi Chloe, you look pretty." he said with a laugh as we walked side by side.

"Thank you Bill, you look absolutely gorgeous."I laugh along with him.

" Thank you. So, what's up? We havent seen each other in years. How's your sister, Mia?"

I stop walking, contemplating if I should tell him.

"Um, well..." my voice trails off.

"Well...?" Bill signals for me to continue.

"She died. She went to a party and...she got attacked. At the hospital they didnt save her, so she died." I swallow dry, my eyes stinging already.

"Oh my, Chloe, im so sorry. Im sorry for bringing that up." He said with a hint of regret in his voice.

"I-its fine, I dont know how I go through life without her." I wipe away small tears on the corner of my eyes.

"No, Chloe, look, im sure Mia will be very happy and proud if you lived your life to the fullest. Okay?" He smiled slightly, comforting me.

"Y-yea, you're right." I return the small smile back.

7:20 AM, 23.12.2008

After I came from the principal about the books I needed to rent, I was sitting in my seat while peacefully scrolling through random posts of my friends, thats when I saw someone infront of my desk.

"Hey..uh, Chloe?" a deep voice with a german accent said.

I quickly look up and saw its the guy..with braids.

"Do you have uh, a pen? I forgot my pencilcase." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh uh, yea. Here." I hand him the pen.

"Thanks. Name's Tom by the way." He then went away to his seat. The girl that was sitting next to him looked at our interaction, I can tell she wasn't very happy about it.

I sat there overthinking. Wait..was he Tom? I mean he did look like him, but if he was, he really did change.

I quickly shook off my thoughts and opened my notebook, ready for class.

11:50 AM, 23.12.2008

"Hey guys, have you seen what Alina wore today? She looks like a blob fish." Mona said while laughing.

"Wait...who's Alina?" I ask curiously as I look around the cafeteria.

Mona points to the table where Tom was sitting with the others.

"Shes from the popular group, she acts like shes hot and apparently she has a crush on that Tom guy or something, shes the one with blonde hair that sits next to him." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Speaking of Tom, Chloe I noticed he looks at you very often. He rarely stares at people, he dosen't even look at Alina nor anyone more than a minute, except in conversations of course." Tina wiggled her eyebrows as she looked at me.

"What? No. Im sure hes just like that because im new and he probably judges me."

"Chloe, dont listen to Tina. Tom is a jerk." Leo said with kind of a hint of..jelaousy in his voice?

"No he isn't, hes just hanging out with the popular kids." Tina said with an annoyed expression.

Leo and Tina argued the whole lunchtime about Tom being a jerk or not, until Andrew asked me a question.

"Hey Chloe, why aren't you eating?" Andrew asked me curiously while drinking water.
Everyone from the table stopped talking and turned to me.

"Actually yea, why dont you eat lunch Chloe?" Tina asked while looking at me.

I honestly didn't know how to respond to that question.
"Oh uh....I eat from home and I dont get hungry." I lie and shrug my shoulders.

"Oh, okay. But, if you're struggling with something, you can tell us, we wont judge." Tina said and everyone nodded.

I felt included at that moment, something that my friends from America never really gave me, not even my own parents.

"Uh, thanks guys. I appreciate it. Um, I gotta go."
I stand up from my seat and put my backpack over my shoulder, causing me to walk away from the cafeteria and go to class.

3:05 PM, 23.12.2008

Finally, school ended for today. I saw that Bill left early and I walked home alone. I said my goodbyes to my friends and started walking to my neighbourhood.

While walking, my mind was occupied with random thoughts. It suddenly started snowing and I looked up at the sky, admiring the snow falling down from above.

I wonder...is my sister, Mia, watching me from above now?
Time was going fast and I shake off my thoughts.

I arrive home and put my keys on the drawer in the hallway, hearing a familiar voice talk with my parents. I walk past and saw...Lilian and my mom and dad talking in the living room with bright smiles on their faces as the fireplace was lighting up the room.

It was weird seeing them smile brightly..like a normal family. My mom spotted me and smiled.

"Oh hi Chloe, you came. Come say hi to Mrs. Kaulitz. Theres also someone special here."

I hesitate for a second before coming in the room to find Bill and..Tom, he was scrolling through his phone while sitting next to Bill.

So it was him. The guy with braids and a bandana, it was Tom Kaulitz. I dont know why I was so suprised.

It couldnt get more awkward than this.

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