What will happen tommorow?

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7:20 AM, 24.12.2008

Me and Bill walked to school together and now we were in the hallways, walking.

"Ill see ya after school?" I say to Bill as we were about to part ways to our classes.

"You got it Clo, see ya." He said with a small smile.

God that nickname, ever since we met he called me that, suprised he still hasnt forgot about it. But im not gonna lie I find it cute.

"Yep, see ya." I wave a small goodbye before walking away.

Tommorow was Christmas, I didn't have a good feeling about it and I wasn't really excited like I was before. Today we only had three classes because of the holiday.

I got through two classes and now I was rearranging my locker and dropping off some books. I felt a presence beside me, not one, but multiple. Didnt wanna look so I ignored it, thinking nothing of it, until..

"Hey new bitch." God that voice sounded so annoying, it makes me cringe.

I shut my locker. Turning around, I saw Alina and her two friends beside her.

Ew, they all looked like they came straight out of a strip club, not gonna lie.

"Excuse me?" I furrow my brows slightly, looking at her.

"You heard me, what the fuck do you think you're doing talking to Tom?" She took a few steps close to me.

I back away and hit my back off my locker. Fuck.

"Um, you mean Tom Kaulitz?" I ask, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Yes, him. If I catch you talking to him again, im gonna break your ribs, you heard me?" She grabbed my collar as her friends laughed at me.

Tears welled up in my eyes quickly.

"oh, o-okay." I clear my throat, my eyes stinging already.

"Good, fucking bitch." She muttered under her breath and dropped me to the floor. She walked away with her two friends, laughing.

I sat there with my knees folded, letting out small tears. Did...Tom tell her how I talked with him yesterday at my house? Or was it when she saw that I gave him a pencil?

My mind was blank and small tears flowed down my cheeks. I wiped them quickly with my sleeve and got up, putting my backpack over my shoulder and fast walking away.

9:25 AM, 24.12.2008

We were sitting in the cafeteria, the loud chatter and laughter filling the whole space.
The cafeteria didn't serve food since we only had three classes for today, they only let us have some free time to talk and socialize.
I was a bit more quiet, bouncing my leg up and down as anxiety and thoughts took over me.

"Hey Chloe." Tina said and I immediately looked at her.

"What's up?"

"Were gonna hang out tommorow night since it Christmas, its gonna be me, you and Mona, hows that sound?" I could tell she was excited.

"Oh uh, I dont know if i'll go." I smile slightly.

"Oh come on Chloe, it will be fun. Just ask if you can, please?"

"Fine, ill ask my parents."

"Yall could've invited us too." Leo said with a chuckle.

"Hell no, this is girls night were talking about. Also Chloe, wear something nice." Tina replied and winked.

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