The truth behind all lies.

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Three days have passed of being here in the hospital. Tom and Bill would visit me after school every day. Whenever they would get a chance, they would get me some of my favorite foods. Bill found out about me starving myself and he even told me himself that he cried when he found out.

Tom was rather sad just like Bill when he was seeing me, yet he looked...slightly angry. It was like he tried not to lose his temper around me when he looked at my arms. I don't know why.

Aswell for my health, I felt the same to be honest. Every single bone, vein, nerve was painfully aching. The doctors did pay extra attention to me. They were also worried about the bruises, but I wouldn't budge to tell. No.

Masha was extremely nice and caring, but...not gonna lie, she did remind me of my sister.

Her hair was a brownish colour like the hazelnuts with blonde highlights. She was also young. I think she is 34 by the way she told me, but...she looked like she was 24 to be honest. She had green eyes, except my sister had brown eyes just like me.

Overrall, she had similar features to her. She also treated my deep scars. I hated the way the alcohol would sting. It had a burning, tingly feeling.

She bandaged up my bruised, scarred arms and they were now coated in white bandages. She did that since it wouldn't hurt me much and if I had sensitive family members or friends they can look at my arms.

Whenever I went to the bathroom, I had to go with a nurse, otherwise me going alone in this state? Just dream about it.

4:50 PM, 15.2.2009

"Chloe, those boys came again to see you." Masha said with a small smile.

"They can come in." I reply, a cough following after.

They emerged in the room with their backpacks, of course they came from school. Tom was holding a small, decorative bag that had a red ribbon on it. What could it be?

"Hey Clo," Bill said, taking a seat beside me.

"hey Bill." I reply softly, looking over at him.

"We got you something, maybe not me but T-" Tom nudged him, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"Oh. You didn't have to. What is it?" I ask, sitting up slightly.

"Here. Open it." Tom said, giving me the small bag.

I was curious what was in it. I holded it in my weak hands, staring at it for a minute.

"Hm.." I cough, sniffing as I put my hands in the bag.

It had a soft and plush-like texture. It also had a weird shape, so I pulled it out from the bag.

It was a small plush cat. She had a grey, white combination of colours and she was striped with a few of black whiskers on her cheeks. She looked adorable.

I didn't even realise I smiled slightly as I stared at it.
I could hear them having small, light laughs.

"Do you like it?" Tom asked with a small smile and some slight blush.

I turn to look at him.

"Yea...yea.'s adorable. Thank you guys." I mumble, looking down at the cat.

They both smiled. I sensed their eyes continously staring at me.

I heard them whispering something to each other and Bill left the room, leaving me and Tom alone.

He scooted over closer to me that he was practically next to my hospital bed.

"Look at her little nose, she's cute isn't she?" He said, pointing at the cat.

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