The constant bullying.

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8:30 AM, 30.1.2009

I arrived at school. I was already a class late. Apparently I overslept and my mom didn't even wake me up.

It was probably the 5-minute break now, to switch from one class to another. As I was walking, I felt uncomfortable, due to the amount of eyes that were staring at me and some laughs. I was slightly confused but I walked past with my head down, not wanting to lock eye contact with anyone.

I heard laughs and some jokes about me. Something like: "Chloe the dumbo!" "Hey Chloe, you should lose some weight instead of sleeping in class!" "Pathethic whore." "Eat a salad, not a cake!"

I wasn't sure what caused this sudden change, that's when it hit me. The groupchat.
Alina probably..shared those pictures of me sleeping and walking to the whole school. That's probably why I am bullied now.

I got anxious and my hands were trembling. I quickly ran away at a fast pace, my eyes slightly blurry and my legs barely keeping me running. I didn't see Alina anywhere, thank God.

As I ran to my classroom, I bumped into someone's hard chest. Fuck.

"Shit. I'm so sorry I-" I began, panting.

"Chloe?" Tom said and I quickly look up at him.

"U-uh, im so sorry Tom, uh.." I look away, trying to calm down.

"No worries. Um, you okay? Why'd you run?" He asked, putting a hand on my arm, making me slightly wince.

"Mm, nothing. Just..late to class. Can you..let go of my arm..?" I ask.

"Oh, sorry. You do look tired though, you sure you're good for school?" He asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Mhm, yea. Um, I gotta go. Bye." I walk past him in the classroom, seeing Alina wasn't there.

How that made my heart at ease a bit. I sat in the back, putting my hood on. He was right, I still felt tired, even after sleeping. I guess I was mentally drained.

I stared down at my shoes, thinking about the earlier comments in the hallway.

I'm trying.

I'm trying so hard to lose weight. I don't..I don't know how else. I don't wanna eat salads and all. I eat the bare minimum. I survive on one meal throughout the day. I can't do better now, can I?

Those cloudy, negative thoughts in my mind made me tear up. I couldn't hold it in, but thankfully I cried quietly. I attempted to write something from the board but it was no use. My shaky hands didn't let me, nor did my blurry eyes.

The person infront of me turned around, seeing me cry under my hood.

"Hey, Chloe, are you..okay?" She asked, making me wipe away my tears.

"Um, yea. Don't worry." I sniff, not even looking at her.

A few droplets fell down onto the papers of the notebook, making it wet at some spots. After a minute or so, the teacher called my name.

"Chloe, can you come up and fix this problem for us please?" He asked.

I look up and wanted to say something, but it was too late. I slowly stand up and go to the chalkboard, feeling all eyes on me. He gave me the chalk in my shaky hand.

There was silence as I looked at the math problem. My lips were quivering slightly from crying.

"Hm, Can you solve it Chloe? I need to give u a grade, you haven't responded verbally in a month."

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