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I can't believe I'm at over 300 views :)

That is amazing and thank you guys so much!!

Also, this next chapter is taking longer than expected so it's gonna have to be next week when it comes out.

For now enjoy this cute little story of what happened that one time when Bones and Tiva were alone in his office :D if you don't remember what I'm talking about go back to chapter 12// close to you.

Third POV

He winks at her before leaving as well to his office. He slowly closes the door before celebrating and doing a fist pump in the air. But he realizes his curtains were open as he sees Tiva and Nova's stair. They both giggle to each other as Bones walks over and closes his curtains.

"Oh goodness, you too are something else." Nova implies.

"No no, he was just joking around." Tiva waves her hand, as if dismissing any romantic thoughts.

"Yea right, he obviously likes you." Tiva blushes at Novas words. "And you obviously like him. Let me guess, your heart beats fast, hands get a little sweaty, an unexplained excitement when you see them, looking forward to when you can-" Tiva interrupts.

"Shhh that's enough." Tiva giggles at her. "As if you don't feel the same for a certain someone."

"Ok ok, that's enough." Spock's ears perk up at this. Again he quietly observed everything in the back.

"Is it now?" Tiva gets done wrapping Novas arm with the ointment.

"Yes." Nova tilts her head back, Tiva realizes.

"Sorry. I'm gonna go get Bones for the shoulder thing." Tiva walks toward Bones office, knocking before she enters. The door shuts behind her, Nova raises an eyebrow before looking at Spock.

Bones is seen pacing, his heart beats quickly from their banter as he overthinks the whole interaction.

"Bones?" Tiva mutters with a smile. Seeing the doctor all nervous was funny. He coughs and looks at Tiva seriously.

"You didn't see what I think ya saw did ya?" Bones ask, Tiva a places a hand on his shoulder and starts laughing. Bones smiles at her reaction. And laughs along with her.

"Yes. Is that a bad thing?" Tiva leans on his desk while taking away her hand from his shoulder.

"N-no, it's just the feeling I get every time I talk to ya.." Bones says softly. He looks away a little.

"Me too." Bones looks back at Tiva. He places a hand on the desk beside her. He leans in towards her.

"Do ya now darlin?" He tilts his head slightly. Tiva nods biting her lip a little.

"What should we do about that?" Tiva leans in a little towards Bones, there noses brushing a little. Bones shrugs. Tiva rolls her eyes before pressing her lips into his.

Bones is surprised at first but eventually kisses back. Bones steps fully in front of her and wraps his arms around her waist. Tiva then wraps her arms around his neck, they break away. Both smiling.

"So I guess this means you like me too?" Bones raises an eyebrow.

"Not as much as you like me Doctor." Tiva winks and Bones rolls his eyes.

"Oh I'll show you how much I like ya." He goes to kiss her again but Tiva quickly stops him with a finger.

"Hold on Doc, you still have a patient to take care of." Tiva smirks. "Now whip your lips, I got some of my lipstick on ya." He smiles at her.

"What if I don't want to?" He mutters letting go of her.

"Tisk tisk so unprofessional." Tiva giggles walking out, Bones goes after her, whipping his lips.

We love us some Tiva x Bones
Hoped you enjoyed, more Nova x Spock coming soon!!

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