Chapter 3

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Ensley's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I stretch my arms, yawn, and slowly get up. It's another beautiful day in Los Angeles, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping. I walk to my balcony, overlooking the city, and take a deep breath. The fresh smell of morning dew fills my lungs.

I head to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day. I put on my favorite jeans, a loose white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I grab my keys and head out.

I stop by my favorite coffee shop to grab my usual, a caramel macchiato, and some croissants. I say hi to the baristas, whom I have gotten to know really well over the years. They always greet me with a smile and a message on my cup. Today it reads "Have a great day, Ensley!"

I take a sip of my coffee and head to my gallery, which is a few blocks away. The gallery is located in a trendy part of town, and I love the energy here. Street performers, artists, and musicians line the streets, and I always take a moment to appreciate the talent on display.

I unlock the door to my gallery, and the smell of paint and art supplies fills my nose. I am greeted by my assistant, Sophia, who's already busy setting up for the day's painting classes. We exchange a quick smile and get to work.

I spend my mornings teaching young artists how to paint. Watching them create and express themselves fills me with joy. It's the highlight of my day. I pride myself on creating a welcoming environment that fosters creativity and freedom of expression. My hope is that the young artists who leave my classes will be more inspired, confident, and capable than when they arrived.

After lunch, I check on the art pieces for the upcoming exhibition. I have a show opening next week, and I want everything to be perfect. I check for any blemishes, making sure everything looks pristine.

As the day winds down, I do some sketches for my next painting and take a few phone calls from clients regarding my artwork. I have quite the reputation for delivering commissioned works, and I take pride in fulfilling my clients' visions.

I close the gallery for the day, and Sophia and I head out. I love spending my evenings exploring the city. I never really have a plan; I go wherever my heart desires. Sometimes it's to new galleries, sometimes it's to the beach, and sometimes it's to my favorite dive bar.

As I head home, my thoughts drift to my personal life. I long for a partner, but I am not actively looking. Maybe someday, someone will sweep me off my feet, but for now, I am content living my life each day as it comes and enjoying all that Los Angeles has to offer.


I arrive at my apartment, a cozy one-bedroom in the heart of the city. I kick off my shoes, pour myself a glass of wine, and make myself comfortable on the couch. I spend the rest of the evening flipping through some art books, scrolling through social media, and watching my favorite show.

As the night wears on, I start to get lost in thought about my life and where it's headed. Even though I have achieved a lot in my career, I can't help but feel like something is missing. I wonder if I am truly happy with my life. I take a deep breath and tell myself to focus on the present and take things one day at a time.

I turn off the TV and get ready for bed. As I lay down, I let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber. Tomorrow is a new day, and with it comes the chance for new experiences and opportunities. I am excited for what the day will bring, and I drift off to sleep, feeling content and at peace with myself and my life.

As I am about to drift off, my phone buzzes with a text message. It's from my cousin, Tina. She's asking me to meet up with her tomorrow for lunch.

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