Chapter 12

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Celestine's POV:

As we walked down the dimly lit alleyway, I felt a sense of nervousness and excitement coursing through my veins. Enlsey grabbed my hand, pulling me closer.

"What are we doing?" I asked, feeling equal parts giddy and anxious.

"We're exploring," she said with a grin, leading me deeper into the alley.

I couldn't help but feel both exhilarated and terrified. Eventually, we came across a locked door that was barely visible in the darkness. I looked on as Ensley took out her lock picking tools, the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"You're breaking in?" I asked, tugging at the hem of her shirt.

She turned to me with that same old grin. "What's life without a little adventure?"

As the lock clicked, we pushed open the door and stepped inside. And when we entered the graffiti-covered room, all of my fears began to fade away. Ensley went to a corner and came back with a can of spray paint, offering it to me. I glance at her hesitantly, unsure what to do.

"Come on, let's do something daring," she told me.

I took a breath and let out a laugh, I felt a newfound sense of freedom and excitement, and I  grabbed the can of red spray paint.

As we painted intricate designs on the walls, I felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement. Enlsey looked at me with a playful glint in her eye, and I couldn't help but laugh and let go of any inhibitions. By the time we were done, empty spray cans are scattered around and Ensley looks like she got a bucket of paint dumped on her, though I don't probably look better.

"What other mischief can we get into tonight?" I asked, feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins.

"The night's young, we'll see." Ensley replied with a laugh.

We admired our creation for a moment more, proud of what we had accomplished, but then we suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I quickly looked at Ensley with wide eyes. I felt her grab my hand and pull me forwards, away from the sound.

As we ran through the alleyways, our hearts racing with adrenaline, we finally found a secluded spot to catch our breath. I couldn't help but giggle and laugh away the anxiety and nervousness I felt about being caught.

"I can't believe we just did that!" I exclaimed.

"Look at you, what a little rebel."

I giggled again, nervous and excited energy filling me up.  'I feel like a rebel." I replied, looking down at my clothes.

"You look cute." My head snapped towards Ensley after hearing her. I stared at her paint-covered shirt, at the streak of blue on her forehead and my smile widened. I realized then that I don't want this night to end.

"Let's keep going," I blurted out.

Ensley grinned at me, and nodded. "Where to next?"

"Anywhere," I replied with a shrug and Ensley answered by grabbing my hand.

We walk down the streets quietly, catching our breaths and me, willing my heart to calm down. When Ensley suddenly broke the silence. "I know of a place where we can continue our adventure,"

I looked at her, urging her to continue. "Where?"

"It's a rooftop bar in the city. It's a little tricky to get into, but the view is absolutely breathtaking. Are you in?"

A rooftop bar? My eyes widened and I got excited again. "Hell yes, I'm in!"

We made our way to the building, and Ensley led me through a series of hidden passageways and secret stairwells. Finally, we arrived at the top of the building, and the view was so breathtaking and unique, something I never imagined could be hiding in this city.

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