Chapter 25

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Celestine's POV:

(a few days after the awkward dinner)

I walked into the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee and toast and pancakes filling the air. Micah was already sitting at the table, reading the news on his phone.

"Good morning," I said, gliding my hand along his back as I move past him.

"Morning baby," he replied, pushing his phone away and grabbing a plate of pancakes.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed a piece of toast. I sat across from Micah, watching him carefully pour syrup over his pancakes. It was a sight that I had missed dearly during the time he spent in a coma. Now that he was awake and well, I treasured every moment we spent together, cherishing the mundane tasks we once took for granted.

"Hey Celestine, remember the vlogs you made for me?" he asked.

"Of course, why?" I replied, sipping my coffee.

"I was thinking about watching it now. Can I?" he asked, his eyes staring intensely into mine.

"Of course you can," I said. "I have them on my iPad. I'll grab it for you."

I stood up from the table and retrieved the camera and my iPad from the bedroom.

"Here you go," I said, handing him the ipad. "All the videos are on there."

I also passed him the camera I had used to record the vlogs. It was an old camera I found in the basement that still had some battery life left in it. Micah took it from me, inspecting it curiously.

"Wow, this looks like it's from a decade ago," he said, laughing.

"I know, it's pretty outdated, but it got the job done," I said, smiling.

Micah pressed play on the first video, and I watched as he watched. My voice floated through the speakers as Micah watched intently. "—arted going to Therapy and my therapist suggested that I start this vlog diary as a way to cope with everything that's happened..."

After a while, Micah finished the first two videos and he looked up at me, his eyes slightly glistening. "Well, it looks like I need to watch in 2x speed to finish this all today." He joked, chuckling at himself.

I laughed, pushing myself off the seat. "Take all the time you need," I said, taking my plate to the sink. "I took my time making them so you should take your time watching them too."

Micah nodded, a smirk on his face. "I love looking at your face so of course I'm gonna take my time."

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "You better not fast-forward through anything then. I put a lot of effort into making those videos."

Micah chuckled, stood up and walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I promise, I won't miss a single second of our cuteness on camera."

I giggled, shaking my head at his antics, "flirt." I teased.

Micah leaned down, lightly pressing his lips against mine. "I can't help it. You're too adorable," he whispered.

We pulled away from each other, a smile on our faces. After a moment, I stepped out of his embrace and said, "By the way. I'm going to step out for a little bit. I have some things to take care of at the office."

Micah's smile turned into a slight frown, he didn't want me to leave. "Oh, okay. Do you need me to come with you?"

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. Just some paperwork I need to take care of. I won't be too long."

He planted another quick kiss on my lips before letting me go. "Alright, take care of what you need to. I'll be here still watching your vlogs when you get back."

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