Chapter 13

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Ensley's POV:

I anxiously wait in the studio, my leg bouncing rapidly. Celestine is late again and I'm getting worried. It's been a week since that night, and we haven't talked since then.

I've given her space and not bothered her, hoping she'd reach out to me when she's ready. But I couldn't help but feel anxious about our relationship.

As the class started, I tried my best to focus on teaching, but my mind kept wandering back to Celestine. Why hadn't she shown up? Is she okay? Is she mad at me?

I glance at my phone to see if she's sent a message or called, but there's nothing. I try not to let my mind run into a frenzy, but it's hard.

All throughout the class, I couldn't help but look up at the door every few minutes, hoping that Celestine would walk through it.

But she never did.

As the minutes ticked by, my anxiety grew until it was almost unbearable. I couldn't concentrate on my painting anymore, and I had to dismiss the class earlier than usual.

After what seems like eternity, I couldn't take it anymore. I hesitantly dialed Celestine's number. It rang a few times before going to voicemail.

Feeling defeated, I decided to call Tina instead. If anyone knew what was going on with Celestine, it would be her.

Tina picked up on the second ring. "Hi, Ens."

"Hey, Tina," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Have you talked to Celestine today?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Tina spoke. "Yeah, we had a session earlier."

"And?" I asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" Tina asked.

"She didn't attend the art classes today." I replied "What's going on?" I added.

"I can't tell you the details, that's confidential," Tina replied. "But I think she just needs some space right now. I'm sure she'll reach out when she's ready."

I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "Okay, thanks for letting me know."

"Okay Ens—

"Wait Tina!" I interrupted her from hanging up.


"You think I can go visit her?" I asked, hoping for advice.

"You miss her that much?" Tina asked, chuckling and teasing me.

"Yeah well, I see her every weekend and almost everyday before last week soo...I do miss her." I said embarrassed.

Tina laughed. "Okay, okay. It's a sweet idea but please, Ensley, just give her some space. She's going through a lot right now."

"Okay...Of course," I said. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

"I know you do," Tina said. "Just be patient with her."

I hung up the phone and a few seconds later, a message popped up on my phone from Tina, reminding me to be cool and patient with Celestine. I took a deep breath before I ignored her advice and dialed Celestine's number.

It rang a few times before it went to voicemail. I realized she might not want to talk so I left a message, telling her that it's me and to call back.

Finally, Celestine called me back.

"Hey Ensley." She greeted, her voice sounding tired.

"Hey Celestine," I replied. "I'm glad you called back. How are you doing?"

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