Chapter 15

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Ensley's POV:

It had been a few days since I had seen or talked to Celestine. The last time I saw her, things ended awkwardly, with her leaving while I was asleep and I was left feeling unsure about where we stood. But now, I'm on my way to Tina's housewarming party, she had finally found the perfect apartment for herself, and she wasn't going to let this occasion pass without celebrating it and I knew that Celestine would be there.

As I walked into Tina's place, the first thing I noticed was how beautiful it was. She had managed to decorate it in just the right way, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere that made me feel at home.

As I made my way toward the living room, I saw the familiar faces of Nox and Tina, both sporting wide grins. "Hey girl, glad you could make it!" Tina exclaimed, hugging me. "Come on, I'll show you around."

Nox and I followed her through her apartment, admiring the new furniture and decorations. "Wow, Tina, this looks amazing!" I said, genuinely impressed.

"Thanks, girl!" Tina replied, glowing with happiness.

Soon enough, Celestine walked in, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I'm not sure how I should act around her, but I knew that I needed to be civil and friendly. And though I'm feeling awkward, I'm pleased to see her face.

As I surveyed the other party guests, I noticed that Tina and Nox kept sneaking glances at Celestine and me. It took me a minute, but I eventually realized that they had set this all up - they wanted Celestine and me to talk things out and move past whatever awkwardness we were feeling.

I made a mental note to give them both a stern talking-to later. But for now, I decided to play along. I made my way over to Celestine, feeling a little nervous.

"Hey, Celestine," I said, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Hi, Ensley," Celestine replied, with a small smile on her face.

We stood there for a few moments, neither of us knowing quite what to say next. There was an odd tension between us, and I didn't know how to break it.

"Nice party, huh?" I said, trying to make some small talk.

Celestine shrugged, "Yeah, it's good."

I could tell that she was feeling just as awkward as I was. It seemed as if the silence would stretch forever.

"So, how have you been?" I asked.

She smiled back, "I've been okay, just busy with work. How about you?"

"Yeah, Same old, same old." I replied.

Before Celestine could respond, her phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the screen and grimaced.

"I'm sorry, Ensley. This is a work call, and I have to take it," Celestine said, apologetically.

"It's okay. I understand," I replied, trying to hide my disappointment. "Go ahead and take it."

Celestine nodded and walked a few feet away to take the call. I watched her, feeling a pang of sadness as I realized how much I had missed her. I knew that we needed to talk things out, but the timing never seemed to be right.

I turned to survey the party, trying to shake off my melancholy thoughts. Tina and Nox were standing together in a corner, looking at us with expectant expressions. I gave them a smile and a shrug of my shoulders before walking further out of their sight.

Tina soon played some music, poured us drinks, and I started to mingle with the other guests. As the party began to get into full swing, Tina asked me to help her with something in the kitchen. "Sure, what do you need?" I asked, following her into the kitchen.

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