Chapter 22

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Third Person POV:

Micah had made pasta for dinner, and sat proudly at the head of the table, holding court over the meal. Celestine and Ensley sat across from one another, both feeling slightly tense and uneasy.

As they ate, Micah couldn't help but pick up on the tension in the air. He glanced between Ensley and Celestine, trying to assess what was going on. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"So, Ensley," Micah said, breaking the silence. "how do you like it? It's my specialty, Celestine said she missed my cooking."

Ensley's eyes flickered up to meet his, then quickly darted away. She pushed a piece of pasta around her plate, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. "It's great," she said, forcing a smile. "Really delicious."

Celestine picked at her food, barely touching it. Micah noticed her lack of appetite and offered her more wine. She accepted, grateful for the distraction.

"So how'd you two meet?" Micah asked, glancing at Ensley and Celestine. "I'm sure I've never met you before right Ensley?" He added.

Ensley cleared her throat, feeling a little uncomfortable. "No, we haven't met before," she said, her eyes flickering towards Celestine. "She attended a few of my art classes and we became...friends."

Micah nodded, taking a sip of his wine. "Oh nice! You're an artist?"

"I am." she said, her voice tight. "I own a studio and gallery as well."

Micah's eyebrows rose. "Really? That's fascinating," he said, his tone eager. "I'd love to see some of your work sometime."

Ensley forced a smile, "yeah sure, you can drop by anytime."

"I just might." Micah replied, winking playfully at Ensley.

Trying to be amicable, Ensley asks. "So, Micah, if you don't mind me asking. How does it feel to be back home after your coma? Do things feel different?"

Micah's expression turned a bit serious as he thought about it. "Yeah, it's definitely been an adjustment. It's weird how much can change in a year. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own home. But it's good to be back with my family and friends, and to be able to do things I couldn't do before."

"That's understandable," Ensley said nodding.

Celestine reached over and takes Micah's hand. "We're just glad to have you back."

Ensley watched them and felt a pang in her chest. She knew she shouldn't be jealous, but she couldn't help it. She wanted that kind of connection with Celestine, wanted to be the one to hold her hand and make her feel safe and loved.

The conversation died down a bit after that, and Ensley focused on eating her pasta. She tried to ignore Micah and Celestine as they chatted amongst themselves, She didn't like the way Micah was looking at Celestine, all sweet and attentive. It was like he knew just how to make her feel comfortable and at ease. And she couldn't stand it.

As the dinner wore on, Ensley grew increasingly uncomfortable. She wanted to say something, anything, to break the tension. But the words stuck in her throat, and she couldn't bring herself to speak. She felt like a third wheel, an intruder on this little dinner party.

Finally, Micah rose from the table, offering to clear the dishes. "I'll take care of this," he said, smiling at Celestine. "You two go ahead and talk."

"It can wait." Celestine immediately said. She glanced at Ensley, then followed Micah into the kitchen. Ensley followed as well without thinking.

As Micah washed the dishes, he turned to them with a grin. "So, how was dinner?" he asked, his voice cheery.

"It was fine," Ensley said, not bothering to hide her lack of enthusiasm.

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