Chapter 17

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Ensley's POV:

The day of the meeting had arrived, and I was eager to see Celestine again. We hadn't seen each other since two days, and I was excited to hear her thoughts and ideas on the exhibit theme and venue.

As I entered the conference room, I spotted Celestine seated at the table, her laptop open in front of her. She looked up and smiled at me as I made my way over to her.

"Hey Ens!" she greeted me warmly. "How was your morning?"

"It was good," I replied with a smile, taking a seat across from her. "I'm excited to get started on the exhibit plans today."

"Me too!" Celestine exclaimed, pulling out her notebook. "I've got a few new ideas I wanted to run by you. Shall we get started?"

"Yeah, let's," I said, moving my seat closer.

"So, I've been thinking," Celestine began. "What if we try to incorporate both old school and modern elements into the exhibit?"

"That sounds like an interesting idea," I said, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

"I think we could have some pieces that are more traditional and classic, but then contrast that with some modern and vibrant pieces to give the exhibit some edge and pop," Celestine explained.

"I love that idea," I said, nodding my head. "It would be great to have an exhibit that appeals to both traditional and contemporary art lovers."

"Exactly," Celestine said, beaming. "And I think we could use some innovative lighting and interactive technology to really bring the exhibit to life."

"I like that," I said, nodding. "Do you have any specific ideas for the lighting and tech?"

"I was thinking about using interactive projections and light displays to create an immersive experience. It would also give the exhibit a little bit of a futuristic feel, which would be a lot of fun," Celestine said thoughtfully.

"That sounds incredible," I said, my imagination running wild. "I can't wait to see how it turns out."

We spent the next few hours brainstorming and discussing different aspects of the exhibit. We talked about potential venues, marketing strategies, and even the color scheme of the promotional materials. Celestine and I worked closely together, bouncing ideas off each other and refining our plans.

By the end of the day, our plans for the exhibit were fully fleshed out, and we were both exhausted but satisfied with our progress. We found out that we collaborated so well and quickly agreed on the things we wanted. Our ideas complemented one another.

As we were wrapping up the meeting, I couldn't help but think about the venue. The exhibit planning was well underway, but we still needed to settle on a location.

"I was thinking, what if we have the exhibit in an old school building at the edge of the city?" I suggested.

Celestine looked at me thoughtfully. "I love that idea," she said, nodding her head slowly. "It would be perfect to have a historic location that could add to the overall feel of the exhibit."

"Exactly," I agreed. "Plus, it's a unique location that would set the exhibit apart from others that might be held in more standard venues."

Celestine pulled out her phone and began to search for old school buildings in the area. "There's one on the outskirts of the city that seems like it could be perfect," she said, holding up her phone to show me a picture. "What do you think?"

The building was beautiful. Its red brick façade had weathered with age, and ivy crept up the walls. Trees surrounded the building, giving it an almost enchanted feel.

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