Chapter 29

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3rd person POV:

As the weeks went by, something began to change in Celestine and Micah's relationship. There was a noticeable shift, an intangible distance that seemed to grow between them. Celestine became less touchy and affectionate, leaving Micah feeling confused and frustrated.

Micah tried to shrug off this change initially, telling himself it was just a phase or stress from work. But deep down, his paranoid thoughts were starting to consume him, planting seeds of suspicion in his mind. What if Celestine was still seeing Ensley behind his back? What if their fling wasn't truly over? The very thought sent a wave of jealousy surging through Micah's veins.

Unable to control his thoughts any longer, Micah decided to confront Celestine one evening after work. They were sitting in their living room, surrounded by an uneasy silence. Micah's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to find the right words.

"Celestine, are you sure everything is okay between us?" Micah asked, his voice trembled with the weight of his doubts.

Celestine looked up from her book, surprise etched across her face. "What do you mean, Micah? Of course everything is fine."

The air in the room felt heavy, stifling even, as Celestine sat on the couch, her eyes fixed on Micah's form in confusion. Micah paced back and forth in front of her, his mind spinning with doubts and suspicions.

Without a word, he snatched Celestine's phone from the coffee table and began scrolling through her messages. The invasion of privacy made Celestine's heart race, her defenses rising.

"What are you doing, Micah?" she demanded, her voice laced with frustration and disbelief.

Micah's gaze darted toward her briefly, his eyes filled with possessiveness. "I just need to make sure there's nothing going on between you and Ensley."

The accusation hung in the air, a sharp arrow piercing Celestine's heart. She had thought Micah trusted her, believed in their love, but his behavior had become a cage of control and jealousy. The pain washed over her like a wave, but beneath it, a flicker of defiance ignited.

Celestine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Seriously? You're going through my messages now? That's low, Micah. How can you not trust me after everything we've been through?"

Celestine sighed and pushed her hair back in frustration. "I've told you time and time again that Ensley is no longer a part of my life. You need to trust me, or else I don't know how much more of this I can take."

Micah's eyes flashed, his jaw clenching tightly as he pivoted towards her. "Trust? How can I trust you when you've become so distant? You're hiding something from me, I can feel it, Celestine."

Celestine stood up, her voice defiant but laced with sorrow. "Micah, I've been distant because your constant jealousy and control are suffocating me. I need some space to breathe and have my own life. You don't own me Micah, I'm my own person."

Anger flickered in Micah's eyes, his grip tightening on her phone. "You think I'm being controlling? All I want is to protect what we have. I can't bear the thought of losing you. Can't you see that?"

Celestine sighed and looked directly into Micah's eyes. "You know what? I don't want to argue about this anymore. I'm going to bed."

Micah's face twisted with a mix of frustration and hurt, but part of him knew that Celestine was right. He didn't want to push her away, even though his toxic nature found solace in controlling her every move. However, he couldn't hold back the surge of anger that still coursed through him.

"Oh, so you're just going to walk away like you always do?" Micah retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Just running away from our problems, huh? Typical Celestine."

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