Chapter 31

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Ensley's POV:

"Celestine...who did this to you?" I asked, barely containing my anger.

Celestine sobs, bowing her head and wrapping her arms around her midriff. "M—Micah...he..."

"Shhh...." I quickly but gently pulled her into my arms, "It's fine, you're here now." Murmuring comforting words into her ear.

Celestine clings to me, and I can feel her body tremble and her breaths turning shallow. I felt her body slacken against my hold so I tightened my grip and gently guided her inside the house.

Tenderly, I sat down on the couch and positioned Celestine in my lap, hugging her tightly, rubbing her back. I let the both of us calm down before I pulled away to brush strands of sweaty hair away from her face.

"Hey, it's alright," I whispered soothingly. "You're safe here with me. Just let it all out."

Celestine sighed shakily and stared at me for a moment, her eyes filling with tears until she couldn't hold it back any longer. Sobs wrecked her already injured body and Tears continued to flow down her cheeks, mingling with the pain etched on her face.

I bit the inside of my cheek and closed my eyes, feeling the pain she's feeling. The hardest thing in this moment is the fact that I can't do anything to take away the pain she's feeling.

I want nothing more than to beat Micah up until my knuckles are bloodied and bruised, even then I don't think I'll stop. He deserves nothing but pain for what he did to Celestine.

I heard Celestine sniffling, slowly calming down and I gently caressed her cheek, hoping in some way, that it alleviates her pain.  "You don't deserve any of this, love. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. But I'm here now, let me take care of everything, alright? You need to rest. You're safe here." I told her gently.

Celestine managed a weak smile through her tears, "stay with me?"

"Of course love." I said. You didn't even had to ask.

I stayed with Celestine the whole time, watching over her and making sure she was comfortable. She drifted in and out of sleep, and I could tell that she was still in a lot of pain.

After a while, I noticed that Celestine's breathing was becoming shallow and irregular. I gently placed her back on the couch and leaned over to check her pulse. It was weak and erratic.

I knew that I needed to get her to the ER, but I was hesitant to wake her up. She looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb her rest. But in the end, I knew that it was the best thing for her.

I gently shook Celestine's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Baby, I need you to wake up. We need to go to the hospital."

Celestine shook her head weakly. "No..." she whispered. "I don't want to go to the hospital."

"I know," I said gently. "But it's necessary. I'll be with you the whole time."

I carefully helped Celestine to her feet and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. She was still weak and unsteady, but she managed to walk with my assistance.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay," I said gently. "Just focus on resting. I'll take care of everything."

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