Chapter 5

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Ensley's POV:

"Yo Ens, Celestine told me you've got no art classes scheduled until now?" Tina asked, plopping on the couch beside me, a bowl of cereal on hand.

I looked at her confused. "Who's Celestine?"

Tina glanced at me, before shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "The client I told you about."

"Oh right." I nodded then went back to scrolling lazily on my phone.

"Well?" Tina asked, waiting for a response.

I glanced at her again and shrugged. "I'm busy."

Tina scoffed and ruffled my hair, messing it up further. "It's been months since I asked you bro."

"I know, I know. I've just been caught up with work and other stuff. I'll try to fit it in my schedule soon," I replied, attempting to appease her.

Tina nodded, finishing the last of her cereal. "You know what, I'll handle it."

"Wait what?" I stuttered, I thought I was able to appease her already, I guess not.

"Yeah don't worry about it." She stood up, grabbing my empty coffee mug and bringing it to my kitchen. "Nox is still your secretary right?" She asked.

I nodded dumbly, staring at her in confusion. "Why are you so hell-bent on getting me to do art classes just for one patient?"

My eyes widened and I smirked, pointing an accusatory finger at her. "You like her don't you?"

"What?!" Tina exclaimed. I laughed, seeing her comical expression.

"I don't like her!" She replied, coming to stand in front of me. "I just want to help her! She seems so sweet and she's like a little sister to me, although she's older." She muttered the last part.

I chuckled at Tina's denial. "Sure, sure. I believe you." I stood up from the couch and followed her to the kitchen. "Okay, so what's the plan?"

Tina turned around to face me, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "I'm going to talk to Nox and convince her to squeeze in your schedule some art classes. And you're going to go along with it because you're a good person who wants to help others."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide the smile forming on my face. "Fine, you win. Just make sure you tell me when and how many people."

Tina pumped her fist in triumph. "Yes! Don't worry, I'll let you know. And who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it and start teaching more adult classes."

I scoffed. "Don't get your hopes up. But we'll see."


The next day, I headed to my studio feeling excited to finally have some time to focus on my own art. As soon as I got there, Nox greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning, Ens. I have some news," she said.

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "What news?"

Nox took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, yesterday Tina asked me to announce that you'll be teaching art classes for adults here in the studio. And, uh, the slots are already full."

My eyes widened in surprise. "What? Full?"

Nox nodded. "She said it was all according to your instructions. And besides she found out that I postponed it a couple of times already."

I sighed, realizing I had to go along with Tina's plan. "It's okay, Nox. Thanks for letting me know."

"You know," I add, "I think Tina likes her patient. The one that's the reason why she's forcing me to do this classes." I told Nox, walking with her towards my office.

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