Chapter 27

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Ensley's POV:

"The truth is, you want Celestine for yourself," Micah said. "And you're not willing to let anything stand in your way."

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. It's the truth but I'd die before I admit that to him. "You're delusional," I said. "But if that's what you think, then there's no point in arguing."

His grip on my elbow tightened and I bit my tongue to stop myself from wincing in pain.

"I'm warning you," he said. "Stay away from Celestine."

I glared at him, yanking my throbbing elbow free, "Fine," I said in the heat of the moment. "I won't see her again. But you're making a big mistake, Micah. You're going to lose her."

As I walked away, I felt a wave of frustration and anger wash over me. I couldn't believe Micah had accused me of trying to steal Celestine from him.

I love Celestine, but I would never do anything to hurt her or jeopardize her relationship with Micah. I had respected their relationship from the moment I found out, knowing that Celestine was committed to him.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I stepped into my car.

I shouldn't have told Micah how I felt about Celestine. I should have kept it a secret. But I'm tired of hiding my feelings for her. It's exhausting when all I want is to shout from the rooftops and declare my love for her but I can't. More so now when Micah made it clear that she's not mine. She'll never be mine.

I drive numbly, feeling dejected and lost. I have to talk to someone about what just happened, but who can I turn to? Celestine is out of the question, considering the circumstances. And as for my other friends, I don't want to burden them with my problems.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I went home, got into bed, and cried myself to sleep. The tears came easily, as if they had been building up inside me for a long time. And as I lay there, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, I realized something. I love Celestine. More than anything in this world.

I want nothing more than to be with her but another part of me knew that staying away is the best choice for both of us. Micah had made it clear that he sees me as a threat, and I don't want to cause any more harm or turmoil in their relationship.

And sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of preserving their relationship seemed like the right thing to do. It's what Celestine deserves. I can't make her choose between the two of us so I will make the choice for her.

We're over now, and the saddest thing is — we never even began.


Celestine's POV:

"I remember now." Micah blurted out.

I looked up from my phone. "Huh?"

"Ensley had to go pick up her girlfriend." He said.

I frowned. "Girlfriend? I didn't know Ensley had a girlfriend."

"Yeah." Micah shrugs. "Maybe she just didn't tell you."

My heart sank at the realization. Ensley had never mentioned having a girlfriend before. I couldn't help but feel hurt and a little betrayed that she hadn't told me the truth about her relationship status.

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