Chapter 16

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Celestine's POV:

I couldn't avoid Ensley forever. It was inevitable that we would cross paths again, and there was no point in trying to resist the inevitable. I decided that I needed to change my attitude towards her, and I needed to do it fast.

I knew that I couldn't stop being friends with her. Despite everything that had happened between us, we had a bond that couldn't be broken. Our friendship had been a huge help for me, and I couldn't just throw it away now.

Sure, we had a past – a past that was completely wrong – but I can't let that define our entire relationship. There are some things we can't undo, but we can still move forward and be friends.

But I also knew that I couldn't just forget about Micah and all that we had built together. I couldn't cheat on him, not even emotionally. So I decided that I needed to set some boundaries when it came to my friendship with Ensley.

I took a deep breath and texted her, "I'm dropping by tomorrow. See you."

She responds almost immediately. "Yes! See you!"

I smile to myself and feel a sense of relief. It's time to move past the past and focus on the present. I can still maintain a friendship with Ensley – as long as I keep my boundaries in check. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but I had to do it. Especially if I want to keep her in my life.


I decided to stop by Ensley's studio this morning before work. I've missed going there and though I don't have time to attend a class, stopping by is just as good for me, I found Ensley humming to herself while she arranges the paints and brushes.

"Hey there, Ensley," I greet her and she turns around and gives me a wide smile. "I just wanted to come by and say hi before heading to work."

"Hey Ce," she replies, her voice soft and gentle. "It's been a while since you've been here."

"Yeah, I missed it." I replied wistfully.

As we chat, I notice some new paintings on the walls. Some are finished, while others are still works in progress. There's something about them that feels familiar, like I've seen them before.

"These are beautiful," I say, admiring the paintings.

"Thank you," Ensley says, blushing.

As I look around, I realize that many of the paintings seem to be inspired by me. They're not exact replicas, but there's something about them that makes me think of myself. I don't want to assume, but I have a feeling that I might be the inspiration behind them. "Wait, are these... of me?"

Ensley looks down at her feet, clearly embarrassed. "Um... well, yeah? I mean they're inspired by you."

I smile, feeling a sense of happiness and validation. "I thought so. They're amazing."

"Is it cool? I can throw it out if you're uncomfortable about it," she says, still looking down.

"Ensley, you don't have to worry about it. It's flattering, really. Thank you for showing me," I say.

She nods, still blushing. "Of course. It's just something I've been working on lately. A series of paintings... you're definitely the inspiration behind them."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Well, they're beautiful. And I'm honored."

Among the paintings, one in particular captured my attention. The painting featured two woman figures, standing side by side with spray paint cans in their hands, grinning mischievously at each other.

The colors were bold and vibrant, with the background featuring a colorful array of graffiti markings. The two woman figures were clearly us, with our hairstyles and clothing styles captured perfectly. I could almost feel the sense of rebellion and freedom that we had felt that night, as we laughed and sprayed paint onto the walls. The painting was a beautiful tribute to that experience, capturing it in a way that was both artistic and deeply personal.

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