Chapter 4

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Celestine's POV:

"Hi Love, it's Day 14 and I just got back from having lunch with your parents. They're doing well, and they send their love. It was so nice to catch up with them and talk about old times. Your mom even brought out some of your childhood photos, and we laughed so much looking at them."

"I also took a walk in the park near your apartment, and it was so peaceful and serene. It reminded me of the time we visited the botanical gardens during our trip to Hawaii."

"I miss you terribly, Micah. And I'm always thinking of you." I sighed, adjusting my hold of the camera and smiling softly, "Love you." I said, ending the recording.

I had been doing these vlog diaries every day since Tina suggested it, hoping that Micah could watch them when he wakes up. It was my little way of keeping him connected to the world and to me.


"Hey, Babe, it's Day 18," I started, looking at the camera. "I saw a bunch of kids flying kites in the park today, and it was beautiful. It reminded me of the time we went on that hot air balloon ride for our anniversary." I paused, feeling tears start to well up in my eyes. "I miss you so much, Micah. I can't wait for you to come back to me."

I took a deep breath, steadying myself before continuing. "My parents came to visit again today. They send their love and are praying for you every day. They've been such a support to me during this difficult time."

It was hard to believe that just a couple of months ago, we were laughing and joking on our way to the grocery store.

"I love you, Micah," I whispered, "Please come back to me soon."


"Hi there, Love. It's Day 19," I said with a small smile, holding the camera in front of me. "Today was a beautiful day. It was sunny and warm, just the way you love it."

"I'm currently going up our favorite hiking trail. I know I shouldn't go alone but I just...I just needed some air and alone time so." I shrugged and chuckled softly, looking at the camera. "Also, remember that art classes I mentioned a few days ago? Yeah well, I still haven't gone and checked it out, even Tina, my therapist keeps bugging me about it but I don't know...I keep pushing it off until the last minute and then I just never go."

I paused and took a breather before staring at the camera, "I should probably check it out huh?" I asked, laughing lightly.


"Hi Micah, it's Day 21," I said, holding up the camera in front of me. "It's been a tiring day, but I thought I'd update you on everything that's been happening."

"I spoke to the doctors earlier, and they said that you're making progress. It's slow, but it's still progress. I know that one day you'll be able to see all of these vlogs that I've been making. Maybe even laugh at some of the silly things I say." I chuckled, wiping away a stray tear.

"I love you, Micah. So much. And I miss you every day. But I know that you'll come back to me soon." I blew a kiss towards the camera before ending the recording.


"Hey baby, it's Day 22 and I went to the art studio today, hoping to enroll in an art class, but they said they haven't scheduled any classes yet for adults."

I frowned, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. "I didn't even get to meet the artist that Tina recommended me, so there's that."

"But it's okay," I said, trying to stay positive. "I'll keep checking back and hopefully a class will be available soon. In the meantime, I bought some art supplies and I plan on trying out some new techniques at home."

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