Chapter 6

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Celestine's POV:

"Hi Love, It's Day 42 and I just got back from my first Art Class. I had a class by Ensley Walsh, the friend of my therapist and it was so fun!" I adjusted the camera slightly as I shifted in my seat.

"I'm grateful to have attempted something new today, and meeting Ensley was just a bonus. She's a beautiful person, inside and out. She was so patient and understanding, and she made me feel so comfortable. She's a fantastic artist, and I can't wait to learn more from her." I sighed wistfully.

"So, in case you're wondering why I'm sounding a bit like a teenage schoolgirl with a crush, it's because I've developed a bit of a girl crush on her."

I chuckled slightly, covering my face with my hands, before looking back at the camera. "I'm kidding, of course. But she is pretty amazing. I wish you're here to meet her. Until next time, Micah. Love you."

As soon as I turned off the camera, I couldn't help but think about Ensley. She was charming, supportive, and so insightful. I had been so nervous to attend the class, but her presence made everything better.

As I went about my evening routine, the thought of her persisted in my mind. I kept replaying her smiles and laughter, and the way her hands moved so gracefully as she painted. Her artwork was breathtaking, and her teaching skills were top-notch. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. I was mesmerized by her every move, and I couldn't wait to get closer to her.

As I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think about Ensley and the stir of emotions she had awoken in me. I was convinced that what I felt for her was nothing more than admiration and respect, and yet there was a small part of me that couldn't help but wonder if there was something else there.

I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thought. I'm Straight and I'm with Micah, and even though our relationship had been put on hold because of his condition, I still loved him and wanted to be there for him.

"I just want to be her friend." I muttered to myself, "that's all this is."

But as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but dream about what it would be like to be with someone like Ensley - someone who is free-spirited and adventurous , and who had a passion for life that was contagious.


The next day, I showed up to class with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. I couldn't wait to learn more from Ensley, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement whenever she walked into the room.

As the class began, Ensley greeted me with a warm smile. "It's great to see you again, Celestine. How was your day?" she asked, settling in beside me.

"It was good, thanks. Bought groceries and cleaned, you know how it is," I replied, feeling shy and self-conscious.

Ensley's eyes seemed to light up at my words. "Yes, I definitely know how that feels. But I'm glad you made it back here tonight" she smiled at me then stood up, walking back to the middle of the studio, "Let's get started, shall we, everyone?"


As the class progressed, I found myself drawn to her once again - the way she explained techniques and helped each student with their work was admirable. She was always so patient with me, and she never made me feel like I was incompetent, She was everything I wanted in a teacher, and I was grateful for her support.

At one point, as she was helping me with a particular brush stroke, I couldn't help but glance up at her and catch her eye. For just a moment, our eyes met, and I felt a spark of electricity pass between us. We both quickly looked away, but the moment lingered in my mind for the remainder of the class.

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