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 "Haven, haven, haven, stop please" The six year old boy shouted as he kept running after the three year old girl who was just too fast for her age.

  "Haven I'm telling you if you ate my candy, I'll tell dad that you were talking the gardner's son again" Little haven stopped and frowned. Her dad didn't like when she talked to Aden, the gardner's son or anyother servant's kids. He said she was a princess and she shouldn't talk to someone below her status but she never understood why, kids who she could talk to were all mean to her for some reason so she secretly used to play with the servants kids.

"you are a meany, Azey" Haven scrunched up her nose in disbelief.

 The the little boy laughed at his adorable little sister and pinched her cheeks.

  "you are so naughty little bunny, your brother needs to be a little meany to tolerate you" Aze laughed and broke the candy into half, giving the other half to her.

  Ammon who was watching them from his office smiled. These three years of his life have been the best years of his life, he got an angel like daughter, she was his lucky charm, since the day she has entered their lives, happiness, success and power were the only that had knocked his door.

  He loved her like his own, his haven, his angel and he swore that he would treat her like a princess her whole life. Unfortunately his wife didn't understand how much of a beautiful soul she is. His wife, lara felt jealous of a three year old girl, why, he himself didn't know but may be because of her alluring midnight blue eyes, those two cute dimples and her slightly curly hairs which resembles her mother, Anna.

  May be because his wife knew that Anna had a place in his heart which Lara could never make. His wife envied Anna and may be this was another reason why he came to love Haven so much, may be because she was Anna's blood and the reason why Lara hated haven just as much as she hated Anna and if possible even more.

  "that bitch is living her life in luxury like she is some damn princess but what about my son, it's been five years when are you going to bring him back from that hell hole" Ammon gritted his teeth as he heard the annoying voice of his wife.

  "Call her by any such names again and I'll throw you in the cage where my hungry snakes live" His words made fear crawl her heart.
  'let my son come back and I'll make sure to throw that bitch in the bunch of the snakes' She hissed mentally. Not saying another word she left from there.

  His son, Arius was sent for training to become a strong and cruel mafia leader. It's been five years since he had contacted him and now he was going to come back, he only wished that his son accepts haven as his sister. Tristan had already accepted Haven as his little sister but he wasn't sure about Arius.

  Ammon has lied to everyone, telling everyone that Haven is his and Lara's daughter hiding the fact that she is a Romanov, the italian mafia princess. Daemon's daughter.

  Walking over to the cupboard, he took out the locket from the secret drawer, he looked at it intensely before putting it back into it's original place.

  He didn't know what's gonna happen after 16 years, will they really return and take her away with him, such thoughts scared and worried him, he didn't want to let go of his cute little baby but he was a man of words and he had promised to Daemon himself that he would take care of her till his last breath.


"Five years and you are finally going back home, how are you feeling" One of my 'friend' asked. A stupid label that i have given to these low lives so they would think they are closer to me. stupid peasants.

 "Nothing" I replied. I seriously felt nothing. Emotions are foreign to me and the only thing I'll ever feel is anger.

"I have heard that your siblings are cuteAF, especially your sister, she would make men have a war for her when she grows up" I scoffed, she must be just like her mother bitchy and annoying spoilt brat, i hope my brother growing up into a strong boy, I can't have a weakling as my second in command.

  "Aww don't talk about his little sister like that, he might go all overprotective brother of her" Another chuckled and my fingers itched to rip his throat off.

I wanted to laugh so bad, only if they knew who I really was, they would be shitting their pants. They think I am just someone like them who is here to be the best trained warriors in the gang. They don't know that it could be many of them in the near future who would be serving me.

 "no need to get all dramatic over it, she is just another proof that my parents still fuck eachother instead of fucking someone else" I smirked seeing his now embarrassed face, son of a bitch, he thinks noone knows here how much of a slut his mother is, I'm sure he doesn't even know who his father is. Even though they don't know me but I know each and everything about. 

He walked out before throwing a glare at me. Words are the biggest weapon one can use, they can make a person kill himself or make him kill someone else too.

  I got myself ready and soon I landed at the airport, settling myself in the car, I looked outside, nothing changed let's see what changed at my home behind my back.

  I stepped out of the car when we reached home and out of nowhere I felt something thrown at me.

  "WHAT THE FUCK" I roared.


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