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"my lady, I know what has happened few days back has traumatized you that's why master decided to give you some space." i sighed looking into the mirror.
He left me to die in suffocation, it's been 12 days exactly that he had me locked in his room.
I was grateful that he didn't show me his face atleast.
"ouch" i hissee when the maid accidentally pulled my strands hardly.
"easy, you stupid girl or master will ha" clara gulped her words back when she looked at me through the mirror
"I -I meant that master won't like it if his guests face any sort of trouble in his home" she finished in a rush giving me a nervous smile.
"you loom gorgeous my lady" she complimented and i just nodded.
Finally after these painfully slow twelve days, ivan has decided to let me out of this room. A good news but the worst news was that he wanted to talk to me.
I didnt even wanted to breathe in his presence let alone see his face. He is a murderer, just like Aerius, ruthless killer with no remorse.
With a heavy heart and a trembling body, i pushed myself to walk towards the devil himself. The way my fists kept clenching my dress, i was scared that i would end up tearing it.
Clara knocked on the door twice. My heart started to run like crazy as soon as i listened to his deep commanding voice.
"send her in" I took a deep breathe ans set my food inside his lavish study. I almost fliched at the closing sound of the door.
"sit, eva" I looked at ivan, who had his head burried in the papers and the laptop screen.
With small fearful steps, i walked towards him and sat infront of him.
Honestly, i was so scared thar i was even scared to make a move without his command, scared that any wrong move of mine and this time the head that he would shoot would be mine.
"I know you must be scared because of this whole situation and i understand that all you would be wanting right now is to leave from here " i was left stunned at how gentle he sounded.
"but i cant let you go eva" he said and i could feel my eyes welling up again, he was going to kill me and bury me somewhere around his forest or throw my body in the sea.
"look, i pro-promise that I-I w-wont tell anyone, n-not ev-en the cops, i swear i would keep my mouth shut just please le-let me go, i promise to n-never ever cr-cross paths with you" i was begging and i wasn't ashamed of it, i needed to be alive.
He laughed, he freaking laughed at ne pitiful situation, sadistic monster.
"I am not scared of cops sweetheart" he said passing me his wallet.
"you know why" he said as he indicated me to open his wallet. I opened it and i was left speechless. My eyes widened looking at the I-card.
"because I'm myself a cop. I am the head of under cover cop agecy in the europe and currently i am dealing with a huge mission " i was still trying to process what he had said, so he wasn't a gangster like aerius, he was a cop.
"and the guy you saw me killing that night was a spy." my mind was going haywire. Ivan is an officer.
"i know it's a lot to take in but I had to tell you this, so you can stop living in fear of me" ivan's voice was soft abd looked at him, trying to find any hiddeb intentions in his eyes but i couldn't.
"if you are an undercover cop then what are you doing here" i asked, i didnt want to meddle in his business but i need to know thing to be able to trust him.
"i am operating a very secretive mission from here, there is a gang that has been gaining more and more power, currently the gang and our government share equal amount of power, we are trying to figure out the loopholes to destroy that gang. If we didn't do it then surely the government would be overthrown by that gang" his words made my heart crawl in fear.
That means more cruelty and havoc would prevail.
Could it be possible that gang was Aerius's. If it is then i would have to be more alert.
"what ga-ng" i asked praying to be not aerius'.
"have you ever heard of this name on news ...... SINISTER" he said and i feel my blood running cold. I have never heard of it but it sent a deadly shiver to my spine.
"this is the gang that i was talking about. " he said.
"this is the reason, i cant let go of you. This mission for me is a do or die situation, one mistake can cause millions of lives. No matter how much i trust i cant let you go until i have a physical proof of you not being another spy" he said and i gulped,he thinks im a spy. Oh god. He's gonna kill me if he got to know how deep are my roots in the mafia.
"i dont want you to be scared of me, you can stay here without being scared but make sure that you don't hide anything from me, it's for your own benefit" he says and i mentally gulped, what a huge dilema I'm in.
Somwhere else in the dark room, a man was gulping down the bitter drink.
"boss we have found the location, do you want us to go and assasin him" the huge bulky guy asked his boss.
"i want him dead along with his bloodline, not a single person who he loves should make it out alive, understood." the boss hissed and the man obeyed his words.
"soon" he vowed gulping down the bitter liquid in a go.


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