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    On one side haven had finally started to live her life while on the other hand Aerius was like a fish out of water. He was restless, furious, mad. His emotions were lethal and too toxic for anyone present around him.  

"How dare she, how fucking dare she escape me" He threw the vase that shattered into pieces. Aezvan who was in the same room flinched away mentally. It took everything in him, every bit of the courage that he possessed to keep his calm. He couldn't risk it. He could only wish that haven had escaped finally. He only wished for her to be living somewhere far off from here.
  He prayed that god gives her all the happiness in her life that someone snatched it from her.  

"fuck it...I need to find her, i need to find her ASAP" He kept murmuring like a mad man. He looked like a deranged monster. 

 Aezvan just wanted to leave the room. He was scared shitless. He was scared that one more second in this room and Aerius would be able to hear his hearbeats that were running erratically.  

He almost went pale when Aerius took predatory steps towards him. He almost looked like he was just a second away from emptying all of his bullets in his head.  

Aezvan was yanked by his collar and the next second he cold feel the cold metal on his forehead. Aezvan remained deadly calm. He was about to lie on the face of a monster. He calmed his heart down thinking about his sister's safe and happy future.

  "If I found out that you have helped her in escaping which I very well know you did, remember I am going to burn you alive right in front of her once I get her back in my clutches. You will die seeing the guilt and regret on her face. Just one proof, my dear brother and trust me you are going to end up in the basement" Aerius words Aezvan sweat in pure dread. All he wanted was to cry right now.  

He didn't want the life he was made to live. This life wasn't his choice. He wanted to be normal, just like the kids his age, for god sake he was just 19 and instead of worrying about his career or he's gonna find the love of his life, here he was practically struggling to live every second.
  With a jerk Aerius left his collar and left his office. Aezvan breathed heavily wiping the visible sweat on his forehead.  

"Fucking Psychopath" He muttered under his breathe.
  {Also I'll be publishing this story on dreame along with here on wattpad, so just in case this story gets deleted here by wattpad just like my other book. You can easily find it there. Thanks. PS - it would be free}


"You like it" I was startled and turned towards the voice forgetting that I had the gardening pipe in my hands.

"oh god, I'm so sorry" I apologized to Ivan dropping the pipe. My breath hitched seeing his brand new suit now drenched completely in water. I was scared what if he punished me for ruining his suit.


 "I-I am really sorry, I didn't see you actually, I-I pl-" He raised his hand and glared at her with rage in his eyes. Her hands started to tremble as she started to back off. Her eyes started to well up with tears, she was so close to have a panic attack. 

 "I don't forgive, nor do I forget sweetheart. So be ready for your punishment" Haven stepped backward, a sudden dizziness cloaking her but it vanished as soon as she felt cold water on herself and laughter from Ivan's mouth. 

 She stood in daze only to laugh along with him a little later.  

"You are going to get a taste of your own medicine, come here you dove" laughter echoed in the garden, they played with water like they were five years old. Carefree, innocent and having the best time of their life.
  An hour later......  

"anchoo" Haven sneezed once again.
  "oh my dear god, my lady, you are having fever. I'll inform master and he will call a doctor for you" clara said with concerned filled eyes.  

"But Im-"  

"what were you going to inform me clara" Ivan entered the living hall, watching haven trembling furiously and sneezing continuously, he almost ran towards her and sat beside her.  

"Are you ok, sweetheart" He kept his palm on her forehead and cursed, she was burning. His eyes fell on clara whose head was bowed down.  

"Why the fuck you didn't inform me" Ivan was in rage and was about to scold clara more when Haven held his hand.  

"Why are you scolding her, it's your fault, you got me wet, I should be scolding you, but I'm not mad at you because I was enjoying it" She spoke out sneezing once again. Her cute button nose and cheeks were red. She looked so adorable that Ivan couldn't think of anything else but her words caught his undivided attention.  

wet, she was enjoying it. Oh for fuck sake. Not again. He took a deep breath trying to stop himself from getting hard.

"You are right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten you so ..... wet" there was a hidden mischief in his tone but Haven couldn't hear his words as she sneezed again.  

"get her some soup" Ivan ordered in cold tone. She didn't say anything about his behavior. She did feel bad but she has seen such behavior towards the servants since her childhood. Her dad never changed his behavior, aerius and her mother same. Aezvan never really talked to them rudely nor did she. She had tried to change her parent's and Aerius behavior towards the servan but nothing happened. Everytime they were just false promises. 

 "I'm sorry, I ruined your suit" She said clutching the blanket more and shifting closer to the fire place.  

"it's alright sweetheart, it's just a suit" he smiled before asking her "What are you doing here, shouldn't be in your room resting" Clara came in and handed the bowl of soup to her.  

"give that to me" Ivan took the bowl from clara's hands and started feeing Haven. She was amazed. She didn't know when was the last time someone had fed her with so much love and affection. She was overwhelmed.  

"Sir, My lady's room heater is not working properly so I brought her down here" Ivan glared at her.

 "why didn't you take her to different room, is there any shortage of rooms" Ivan raised an eyebrow. Haven so wanted to interrupt him but the anger on his face was enough to shut her up  

"Master, on your command, the rooms are getting renovated. Only yours and my lady's room were fully renovated" Ivan palmed his face in frustration.  

"fine, ask the maids to shift her stuff in my room" Haven's eyes widened at his words. She wasn't comfortable in sharing a room with him.

  I hope you guyz liked it. ❤❤❤

  This story is about Haven, not Aerius, not Aezvan, not her brothers, not Ivan but her. There is still some time for the brothers entries but rest assured they will be there.

  Like always, be ready to witness some amazing twist and turns in this story guyz ❤❤❤

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