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The sprawling kitchen felt both unfamiliar and comforting as I moved around, the scent of ingredients mingling in the air. Cooking had always been a form of therapy for me, a way to lose myself in the simple act of creation. But tonight, it held a deeper purpose—an apology I hoped would make Ivan forgive me. He hasn't talked to me for two days now since that incident. I realized that I couldn't stay without his sweet talk and caring nature towards me.
I glanced at the clock, the minutes ticking away as I prepared a meal with care. A part of me was still shaken from our earlier encounter, from the way Ivan's anger had flared and my own recklessness had driven him to his limits. But another part of me couldn't deny the thrill that raced through me, the way his eyes had held mine, the intensity of our connection.
The door creaked open, and I turned to see Ivan standing there, his expression unreadable. His presence sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of nervousness and anticipation. I had no idea how he would react to my attempt at making amends.
Unlike the other times, where he would come to me straight and take me in his warm embrace, he ignored me and was about to walk into his office directly.
"Ivan" I called for him, he turned towards me.
"I know I did a mistake, but can you not forgive me, I promise, I wouldn't ever do it again."
"Eva," he began, his voice a mixture of curiosity and wariness, "what's all this?" I felt his palm on my cheek wiping something. I realized it must be the flour on my cheeks.
I offered a tentative smile, my fingers gripping the edge of the sleeves of his blazer. "I wanted to apologize for earlier, Ivan. I thought... a simple dinner might help."
He stepped closer, his gaze lingering on the spread I had prepared. "You cooked all of this?"I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes. It's just a simple meal, but I hope you like it."
Ivan's eyes softened, and a rare smile tugged at his lips. "Fine. Just because all of this looks so delicious I am forgiving you, but remember next time you wouldn't be so easily forgiven ." A chuckled left my mouth but I nodded as soon as I realized the intensity in his eyes.
As we settled at the small dining table in the garden, under the moonlight and the candles lightning up the ambience, the air seemed charged with a mix of emotions. I had intended for this to be a simple apology, a way to ease the tension between us. But as we shared a meal and exchanged small talk, I found myself drawn to him in ways I couldn't explain.
His presence was intoxicating, his every movement and word a testament to the complex man he was. And yet, beneath the surface, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease—a fear that if he knew the truth about my past, he would turn away from me.
I kept my gaze lowered, my fingers tracing the rim of my glass as we finished our meal. Ivan's voice, a low murmur, broke the silence.
I looked up, meeting his gaze, my heart racing. His eyes held a mixture of emotions—curiosity, intrigue, and something else that I couldn't quite decipher.
"Thank you for the dinner," he said, his voice softening. I smiled.
After dinner we both went to our room. As I was going inside the closet to change into my night dress, Ivan's voice stopped me.
"Eva," his voice was a gentle murmur, a melody that resonated within me. "There's something I've been wanting to do."
I turned to him, my gaze locked with his, curiosity and anticipation swirling in my eyes.
"What is it?" I asked, my voice barely more than a breath as, his eyes speaking words that were making my heart go faster than I had ever imagined.
He didn't answer with words. Instead, he walked towards me, he leaned in, his lips hovering just a whisper away from mine. The air seemed to thicken, time slowing down as our breaths mingled, each exhale drawing us closer.
And then, in the space between heartbeats, his lips brushed against mine. It was a feather-light touch, tentative yet filled with an unspoken promise. My eyes fluttered closed, my senses heightened as I let myself be carried away by the intoxicating sensation.
The kiss deepened, a silent exchange of emotions that left me dizzy and breathless
The kiss deepened, a soft exploration that sent a rush of warmth through my veins. It was a dance of lips and heartbeats, a symphony of emotions that neither of us had experienced before. Even though this wasn't my first kiss, Aerius, that vile excuse of a human had taken my first kiss when I was just 14. Since then he had kissed me a lot of times but the way he had kissed was nothing compare to what I felt right now. Where all Aerius kisses felt like snakes crawling on my skin, Aerius' lips made my knees go weak. His arms wrapped around my waist, locking me in his embrace. The way his lips moved, I felt sensation right at the place where I have never felt. The moment was pure bliss, if I could I would just stop the time and stay in his embrace for a lifetime.. I felt a shiver run down my spine as Ivan's fingers traced a delicate path along my jawline, his touch igniting a fire within me.
In that moment, all the walls I had built around myself seemed to crumble, leaving me vulnerable and open to this new connection. His lips moved against mine with a tenderness that made my heart ache, and I responded in kind, allowing my own fingers to tangle in his hair.
When we finally pulled away, our breaths ragged and our gazes locked, I felt as though I had stepped into a new world—one where vulnerability and intimacy were intertwined in the most beautiful way.
Ivan's thumb brushed against my cheek, his touch a gentle caress that held more meaning than words ever could. "Eva," he whispered, his voice a mixture of awe and reverence, "you're unlike anyone I've ever known. Everytime that you are near me, all I want to do is to make you mine."
Tears glistened in my eyes as I smiled, my heart overflowing with emotions I had long forgotten. "I could say the same about you, Ivan. "
My eyes lowered, my heartbeats going crazy.
"Make me yours" I said, as I slowly looked into his eyes, desperately wanting to be his in every way possible.
His eyes bore into mine again, and the next second his lips met mine in a passionate kiss.
I couldn't help but wonder how long I could keep up this charade, how long I could pretend to be someone I wasn't. But for now, in this fleeting moment of intimacy, I would savor the connection we shared, the delicate illusion of love and acceptance that had become my refuge in a world filled with secrets and shadows.

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