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How long could I be a sad song
'Till I was too far gone to bring myself back to life?

- Taylor swift

Haven's heart races as she sees Aerius's anger boiling over once again, instinctively seeking refuge behind Stefano. Stefano, despite knowing he's deviating from the plan, can't help but come to her aid, sensing her trembling form behind him.

"She got hurt i was tending to her wound." Stefano justified. His heart melted feeling her trembling behind him.

"Maids" Aeriuse yelled making haven flinch.All the maids serving haven gathered in the room in less than a minute .

Aerius's voice cuts through the tense silence like a knife. "Who was supposed to be at her service today?" he demands, his tone laced with fury.

"I-I am so-" the maid stammers, her words cut short by the deafening sound of a gunshot. The room erupts into chaos as the maid falls to the ground, her life extinguished in an instant.

Haven closes her eyes, unable to bear witness to yet another senseless act of violence. She feels a cold shiver run down her spine, the fear of Aerius's wrath consuming her.

"Clean the mess, mutts," Aerius orders, his voice dripping with disdain as the other maids hastily obey his command, their hands trembling as they remove the body and wipe away the bloodstains from the floor.

Aerius turns his icy gaze towards Stefano, his expression unreadable. "Leave," he commands, his tone final and commanding.

Stefano hesitates, his eyes flickering with concern as he looks back at Haven. But with a resigned nod, he obeys Aerius's orders, leaving her alone with the man whose very presence fills her with dread.

Alone with Aerius, Haven's heart races with fear as she braces herself for his inevitable wrath. But instead of lashing out, Aerius surprises her by gently tending to her wound, his touch surprisingly gentle despite his earlier display of violence.

"Tell me, snow..." Aerius's voice is low and menacing as he speaks, his eyes never leaving hers. "Do you love to make me mad?"

Haven's breath catches in her throat as she meets his intense gaze, her mind racing with fear and confusion. She shakes her head frantically, her eyes pleading for mercy.

But Aerius doesn't relent, his grip tightening on her wound as he hisses, "Stop whoring around like a desperate slut behind my back."

Pain shoots through Haven's body as Aerius digs his nails into her flesh, her cries muffled by his hand as he presses her down onto the bed.

Tears stream down Haven's cheeks as she nods in agreement, desperate to appease him and end the torment. But even as Aerius smiles and continues to tend to her wound, Haven knows that her nightmare is far from over.

"Be a good girl for daddy hmmm?" Haven nodded painfully. Aerius smiled and patted her head proudly.


In the dimly lit dungeon, the air is thick with tension and the scent of fear as a woman, bound and gagged, struggles against her restraints. Standing over her, bathed in the eerie glow of flickering torches, stood a man, With a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, he exuded an air of danger and authority. His sharp eyes, glinting in the dim light, survey the scene with a predatory gaze.

His piercing gaze meets hers, cold and unforgiving, as he approaches with deliberate steps. The woman's muffled cries fall on deaf ears as his expression remains impassive, devoid of any hint of remorse.

With practiced precision, he selects his tools of torment, each one a testament to the depths of his cruelty. The sound of metal scraping against stone fills the chamber as he prepares to extract the information he seeks.

As he approaches the trembling woman, he leans in close, his voice a low, menacing whisper that sends shivers down her spine. "You thought you could deceive us," he growls, his breath hot against her ear. "Tsk. Tsk. Thought you were a fox hmm?"

The woman's eyes widen in terror as he selected the burning iron rod from his table of torture implements. With a cruel smile, he holds it up close to her eyes.

"You have two choices," he continues, his voice dripping with malice. "You can tell me everything you know, or you can suffer the consequences. Either way, your fate is sealed."

The woman's muffled cries intensify, desperation etched on her face as she struggles against her bonds. But the man remains unmoved, his gaze cold and unyielding.

The woman's cries reaches a fever pitch, but she refuses to open her mouth.

"I am gonna have so much fun with you" The man was about to stuck the rod in her eyes when the heavy wooden door to the dungeon creaks open distracting the man, another man strides into the dungeon, his presence commanding attention.

He surveys the scene with a mixture of disdain and curiosity, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the sight before him.

"Stop it Izrael. It's enough" The man orders.

This one thought she could betray us, rafe" the man, Izrael, sneers, gesturing towards the woman. "But she underestimated our resolve."

Rafael's expression remains impassive as he regards the woman with a cold detachment. "What do you intend to do?" he asks, his voice calm but laced with a hint of curiosity.

"I intend to make an example out of her," Izrael declares, his tone resolute. "To show the world what happens to those who dare to cross us."

"I think you shouldn't break the rules that lucifer has set" Rafael reminds his younger brother.

Finally, Izrael pauses, turning to face Rafael with a steely resolve in his eyes. "I am not Lucifer," he begins, his voice low and unwavering. "Just because a spy or betrayer is a woman, I am not going to leave her. She knew what she was signing up for."

Rafael listens in silence, his gaze unwavering as izrael continues, his tone unyielding. "I won't be showing any mercy on anyone just because of their age or gender. They don't think twice before going against us, so I won't even bat an eye before torturing them till their soul departs their body."

With those words hanging in the air, Izrael returns his attention to the woman, his resolve unshakeable as he stabs the hot rod right where the woman's heart was . And in that moment, the true extent of his brutality laid bare for all to see.

Rafael sighs and shook his head.

"Lucifer called you to his office" with a fierce urgency. 'It's time,' he says, his voice tinged with resolve. 'No more sidelines. We're stepping into the arena. It's payback time." Listening to his words Izrael wore a demonic smirk as if he had been living for this one moment only.

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