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Two months had passed, yet for Haven, they felt like an eternity. The trauma she endured seemed unending. Initially, she had tried to summon fierceness and stubbornness, resisting Aerius in every way possible. She tried to not shatter in front of him as much as she could, but it couldn't break Aerius relentless hold.

Each day was marked by either him torturing her physically or mentally, an agonizing routine she had grown accustomed to. It didn't escape her notice that Aerius had ceased forcing himself on her, ever since that night. While the absence of this particular torment was a relief, she couldn't shake the suspicion that there was a reason behind his change in behavior. She couldn't fathom the nature of his motives. The uncertainty of her situation weighed heavily on her, adding to the torment of her already miserable life.

Haven reclined on her bed, her gaze fixed on her wrist. The scar that once marred her skin had significantly faded over time. This physical remnant served as a painful reminder, not just of her past wounds, but of the scars etched into her soul, her spirit left shattered, and her profound sense of helplessness.

The will to carry on with life had dwindled within her, but there was one compelling reason that kept her tethered to existence – her brother, her Aezy. She knew she had to persist, not for her own sake, but for the sake of the bond that bound her to him, the sibling love that remained her guiding light.

She yearned for a swift escape from this wretched abyss, knowing that Aezvan's fate hung in the balance, tied to her every action. Her heart ached with every passing moment, a constant ache for her dear brother.

Each agonizing second reminded her that his suffering was a consequence of her disobedience. Regret echoed through her, a haunting reminder that if only she had adhered to his guidance, her brother wouldn't be ensnared in this ordeal. She found herself unable to trust even the most familiar of shadows, for even the shadow of her own judgment had betrayed her. All of this misery was born from a tragic mistake, a love she had naively fallen into, a love that had led her down this treacherous path.

She gently casted aside the duvet and rose from her bed, the morning light caressing her skin. She couldn't help but think, "Beautiful," as her sun-kissed skin glowed in the soft radiance. Yet, beneath the warm exterior, her soul remained shrouded in darkness. The weight of her captivity and sorrow bore down on her.

In her absorption with the morning's beauty, she, for the first time in months, let her guard down. Unbeknownst to her, Aerius had silently entered the room.

As she bathed in the warm sunrays, Aerius couldn't help but find himself captivated by her presence. She was a marvel to behold, and just her existence was enough to breathe life into him.

Slowly, he closed the distance between them, standing right behind her. Gently, he encircled her with his arms. Haven, caught off guard by his touch, stiffened. Her fist clenched around the railing, a silent reflection of her inner turmoil.

""Good morning, Snow," he whispered, inhaling her scent, and gently kissed her neck. To an outsider, it might have seemed like an adorable, intimate moment, but only those in the know understood the grim reality.

"Morning," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

Aerius spoke, his tone serious, "You remember it's an important day for us. We have guests coming for breakfast, and you need to behave."

Haven questioned, "Was I not supposed to stay in my room whenever any guests visited? Why is my presence required now?" Her detached tone irked Aerius, and he despised the lack of emotion in her voice.

He craved for the fear in her eyes for him.

"Aerius's voice turned dangerously low as he issued a warning, "If you don't want Aezvan's body to be chopped into pieces right before your eyes, then you better watch your attitude. You are not allowed to question me. Let me rephrase it for you."

With a wicked smile, he continued, "You, my little darling, if you even dare to say anything without my permission, I will chop off your brother and feed them to my dogs." Strangely, he concluded this threat with an innocent smile, caressing her arms and pulling her closer, causing her to flinch away. A triumphant smirk played on his lips as he observed her reaction.

"Look, there it is," he said, pointing with a smile, leaving Haven watching him in incomprehension.

"The fear in your eyes for me, baby. Such a turn-on," he whispered, drawing her closer and holding her in a suffocating grip that seemed to strangle the very air around them.

"Let me go," Haven pleaded, her voice desperate, as she struggled repeatedly in his bruising grip. But he was lost in the intoxicating scent of power and control, rendering him oblivious to her pleas.

"Fuckkk. All i want is to fuck you over and over again in this balcony" he hissed, desperation clear in his voice.

"Let. Me. Go." The words were firm as she pushed him, the move catching Aerius off guard. His initial reaction was to lash out, but Haven was quicker, bolting to the bathroom.

Aerius chuckled, amused by her attempt to find refuge behind a simple door. "So, so stupid," he mused, "thinking that door would protect her from me."

With that, he left, his mind already shifting towards preparations for the significant day ahead.

Haven slid through the door, her heart pounding like a frantic drumbeat, each thud a painful reminder of her torment. She covered her mouth with trembling hands as if to stifle the tempest of emotions that threatened to escape, but her tears poured down like a relentless downpour in a relentless storm.

She longed for a comforting embrace, where she could feel safe, she wished for a comforting hug, a ray of hope in her darkness, but she found herself alone in a cold, empty bathroom, where any chance of relief had long faded away.

All she craved was for someone to utter those reassuring words, "Everything will be okay."

But the painful truth remained – there was no one to console her, and the future held no promise of things getting better.

Despite the desperate prayers and wishes all she could hear was the silent echo of her own despair.

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