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    "How is my little princess doing?"
  "you are going to be such a heartbreaker, when you will grow up"
  "I can't wait to play the role of an overprotective father"
  "I promise to make every bad guy show hell until the right one comes for you"
  "I will always be there for you, you will not just be a princess but a warrior too"
  "never give up on yourself, that's the very first rule of becoming a warrior"
  With a jolt she woke up, her hands clutched her head. She took heavy breathes as she heard the very unfamiliar voice. The words weren't comprehending for her at all. Realizing the sudden ache in her whole body, she again unconsciously fell back on the bed missing the softness and warmth it was providing to her sudden cold body.
  Her eyes closed for a couple of seconds again when the last night incident came crossing down her memory lanes.
  She got off the bed in such a speed that if someone had seen that would have probably believed that she had seen a ghost. Her face went completely pale until she realized the surrounding of the room she was in.
  "This is not my room" She muttered.
  She sat on the bed again to calm her heart down and started to recollect what all happened yesterday.
  "I ran away from Aerius, I was caught by those men, they were killed, I ran again and .... oh god what happened after that. How did I came here, is this some new place where Aerius has kept me. No, no, noooo" Her beat started to accelerate again. As she was again drowning into the ocean of panic, the door opened and startled by the sudden noise she flinched away clutching the blanket so tightly as if her life dependent on it.
  "Good Morning, my lady" A cheerful voice rang in her ears. Her eyes slowly opened only to see some women of different age groups dressed as maids.
  "Wha-what i-is this place" Confused and still in shock she was barely able to manage her words.
  One of the maid walked towards her and smiled warmly.
  "Where ever you are trust me you are safe" Her words felt very strange to her, she wasn't even safe in her own house, her own blood was a threat to her. How she was to trust the woman's words who was nothing but a stranger to her.
  Her guards went high and she was suddenly on a high alert mode. Before anybody could think of anything, the young girl made a run for her life. She ran out of the door which to her luck was still open. The maids were left dumbfounded.
  Through several corridors she ran, frustrated and angry, she wiped away her tears several time but never stopped running until she find herself on the ground floor, infront of the huge door which she knew was definitely the way to escape.
  She made a run for it with a wide smile on her face but it vanished as soon as she was hit by a cold breeze. Her body shivered and her arms wrapped around herself but they barely protected her from the cold wind.
  The only thing that came into her vision was the sea. She felt like the waves were mocking her. The cold wind taunting her. Her tears fell freely as she again felt like she was trapped in yet another cage of Aerius.
  She was so lost into her defeat that she didn't notice the chaos behind her, the heavy footsteps or the loud noises that seemed to blame eachother.
  "My lady, please come back, you will catch cold" But every voice got lost somewhere. Her senses ignored all of them until she felt something warm covering her body. The maids and guards shut their mouth and hung their head low.
  Flinching, she turned around only to come face to face with a man, alarm bells started to ring in her head again. He was a stranger to her and this one reason was enough for her to run away. There were so many possibilities of him being another monster who would also make her walk through hell.
  She started to take her steps back only to be halted in her tracks by his gentle grip on her arm.
  "L-let me go" she finally said those words, staring right into his eyes. He was handsome, well built, charming and his sea green eyes which seemed to be changing color under the bright sunray were just captivating but she was totally unfazed by it.
  She knew that monsters always disguised themselves under the most beautiful skin to lure their preys into the trap in the most easiest way. She had already seen one and she wasn't stupid enough to trust someone so easily again.
  No matter how much she was isolated from the world and it's real experiences but the things that she had gone through in her own house had taught her things that even the real world would fail to teach anyone.
  The man on the other hand was left dumbfounded by her actions. She was unfazed by him. His expectations of her falling into a whirlpool of amazement after seeing him shattered into pieces and just like the first time it was him falling into the speechlessness. Her beauty, her innocence, her voice, the way she looked at him, everything about her had him stunned, amazed and entranced. He was enchanted and it was so oblivious that every soul present their could guarantee it.
  "Pl-please" Her soft voice broke the daze he was in.
  In the process of walking away from him, she lost her balance and tripped but the arm that was holding her protected her from a hard fall. She felt herself falling into his arms instead. The hold was gentle. Her eyes met his.
  When was the last time someone had held her so gently. When was the last time she was looked at like she was a delicate porcelain doll. Besides Aezvan and her dad, noone ever treated her good.
  "You need rest, we will talk once you are healed" Before she could say anything, she felt herself being swept off the cold sand and into his arms. She looked at him with wide eyes.
  "Wh-where are y-you taking me" She asked, her voice no less than a whisper. Her fists clutching his collar, afraid that he might drop her.
  "where you belong" three mere words and she knew she hadn't yet escaped the hell.

  Thankyou for reading ❤❤❤❤


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