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"I don't know why Dad installed one of his men. Make sure Eva doesn't interact with him at all. Who knows what's the reason behind him appointing that guard," Vincent muttered , my thoughts consumed by the implications of his father's decision. Just as I was lost in contemplation, Vincent voice broke through the silence once more.

"Keep an eyes on him, hades" he ordered.

"Sure thing, boss," I replied, my tone reflecting my  "obedience" to his orders.

"Is she eating properly?" He inquired, concern lacing his words. I wanted to respond with a cheeky remark about how well she  "eat"  me, but I held my tongue and instead nodded affirmatively.

Should I tell him how she whimpers and moan when I do that to her. Huh poor poor big bad mafia capo is whipped by my little snow. I am still not able to decide if I should take this as good luck or bad luck. I didn't want her to be seen let alone touch by any other person except for me but Vincent being so madly obsessed with her has actually turned into my favour.

I wouldn't have to do a thing. All I will have to do is just wait and watch, and he himself will destroy everything.

And then, I will be the one sitting on that chair and on the throne.

The Sinisters and I will be equals then. I'll exact my revenge, each member will meet a fate so brutal and painful they'll wish they were never born.

And then, with my enemies vanquished, I'll claim my prize. I'll marry my little snow, my haven. I'll reveal the truth to her—that we're not siblings by blood, not at all. The hesitations that cloud her mind about us sharing pleasure will vanish. She'll be mine completely, my wife, the mother of our kids, my queen.

I can feel the heat rising in my veins as dark thoughts consume me. Fuck, I would make love to her on our wedding night until she conceives. I want at least 10 kids with her, strong sons who'll grow into tough men like their old man. And a daughter, too—I wish for a daughter. She'd be like my little snow, innocent and pure like her mother. She'll be my heart, my everything. I'll give her the world.

"Hayden," Vincent's voice snaps me out of my reverie, his glare piercing through my thoughts.

"I believe you heard what I said," he adds, his tone laced with authority. Son of a bitch. I'll show him who the real boss is.

"Yes, Capo," I respond, my words dripping with restrained fury.

"Any updates on those Castillion bastards?" Vincent's question ignites a fire within me, my fists clenching in sheer rage.

"Not yet. Looks like he doesn't even exist," I lie effortlessly. It's not like Vincent will cross-check me. I can say whatever the fuck I want.

Vincent doesn't want his father to know that Haven is a Castillion. I want to laugh. Fools. She's not a Castillion—well, she will be soon, but for now, she's a Romanov. Nobody but me knows about her true identity. Until I succeed in my mission, nobody's going to know about her.

"No one, not even the Sinisters, for they believe she is dead already, but may be I will let them see their little sister one last time before i snatch the light away from their eyes" I confirm inwardly, keeping my poker face intact.

"Fine, make some arrangements for this Sunday. I am going to take her out on a dinner date," Vincent orders, his attention returning to the files on his desk.


"Alright, Capo," I respond, my tone betraying none of the turmoil churning within me as I force myself to comply with his request.


"C'mon open up" I was venting out my frustration on the jar that wasn't opening.

"Do you need any help Miss Eva?" My heart raced as I heard Stephano's voice behind me, offering his help. Startled, I had flinched, and the jar slipped from my hands, crashing to the floor, sending glass shards scattering around my feet.

"Ahh!" Pain shot through me as the sharp edges pierced my skin, eliciting a groan of discomfort.

"Ohh, fuck," Stephano rushed to my side, his expression clouded with concern. I couldn't shake the bitterness creeping into my thoughts, questioning the sincerity of those around me. Were they all just skilled deceivers, hiding their true intentions behind a facade of kindness?

How come everyone around me was such an amazing actor?

"Wait, let me help you," Stephano's voice was unexpectedly gentle as he lifted me effortlessly into his arms, carrying me to my room in a bridal embrace.I stilled, the last time someone carried me with so much care was Ivan.. umm well Vincent, god, he doesn't even deserve to be in my thoughts. GET OUT IVAN OR VINCENT WHOEVER YOU ARE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, I screamed in my head. I remained wary and still, not fully trusting anyone in this cruel world.

As Stephano settled me onto my bed and called for a maid to fetch a first aid kit, my thoughts drifted to the dull ache in my injured feet. I met Stephano's concerned gaze with a numb expression, my mind dulled to the sensation of pain as he carefully tended to my wounds.

Was I too numb to feel anything anymore? Was this the beginning of my descent into darkness? The thought sent a chill down my spine, a haunting reminder of the emptiness that seemed to consume me from within.

As Stephano continued to dedicatedly tend to my wound, I couldn't help but contemplate the allure of death. Would it be a welcome escape from the relentless torment of my existence? What a relief it would be when death will finally embrace me, offering peace from the never-ending agony of my reality.


A few minutes ago...

"How is it going, Gabe? Any updates so far on our prey?" Michael's voice crackled from the other end of the line. I've always prided myself on being more heartless than Michael. Other than my brothers, I really don't care about anything or anyone.

But this girl... why does she remind me of someone? It's as if I've seen her somewhere before. Those eyes, they remind me of someone. Izrael, with the same stormy blue eyes. Fuck it, there are probably countless people with the same eye color. I'm just overthinking things. I'm here on a mission, and there's no way I'm going to let this girl, who is Salvatore's new toy, distract me.

"Nothing much, just waiting for Hayden to loosen up a bit. He's really smart," I said, my eyes never leaving Eva's movements. How old is she, anyway? 15? 16? And her bastard brother is marrying her off to a man almost twice her age. What the fuck. If I had a sister...

Only if she were here.

"You there," Michael's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yes. Don't worry, all I have to do is retrieve something precious from his dog's house—his most precious allies, those cowards—and once we have them, we're going to destroy them one by one," I smirked into the phone.

"Alright, I'll be hanging up now." Before he could respond, I disconnected the old phone and destroyed it. Stepping out of the blind spot, I walked towards Eva, who was using all of her energy to open a little jar.

It wasn't my intention to startle her, though. I was just trying to help her but unintentionally because of me she got hurt.

Carrying her bridal style to her room, I helped her settle onto her bed while I tended to her injured feet.

This girl, still a kid... why does it hurt to see her like this? Her brother, that bastard, is just so selfish. I'm sure he's marrying her off to that bastard to secure his position.

When I looked at her she was smiling through the pain, she was looking at me yet it felt as if she was in another world altogether.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I saw Eva flinch, her body trembling furiously.

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