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I stood at the door, observing her seated like a shattered doll. Tsk, tsk. She believed she could elude me and discover her prince charming, but alas, life is not fair; it is a betrayal in itself. You may navigate it wisely, with unwavering loyalty, yet inevitably, it will betray you, leaving you utterly broken.

With me, fairness was never a constant, but she rendered all the unfairness worthwhile. If life were just, I might never have crossed paths with her, never have experienced the emotions she evokes every time our eyes meet. I am no sadist; causing her pain does not bring me satisfaction, far from it. I inflict pain because, regardless of my capabilities, I am, have been, and will always be terrified of losing her.

Every time she managed to slip away, I was prepared to set the entire world ablaze just to reclaim her. I went to such extremes that I even murdered my own parents. Why, you ask? The answer lies in the fact that they intended to send her back away from me to her biological family.

I recall that night vividly—the night that altered everything.

Flashback [8 years ago]

Character's age - [haven - 8, Aerius - 19, Aezvan - 11]

"Yes, Dad, you called me," I asked my father, who stood in front of the window, gazing outside. I walked over to him, noticing that his attention was fixed on Haven and Aezvan playing in the garden.

It was peculiar how he seemed almost indifferent to everyone's existence, yet Haven's presence was like an elixir to him. She was the forbidden princess of his castle. I didn't mind, though; the little girl indeed had a way of breaking down the walls of anybody's heart. 

She made me feel a connection with her that no one ever did. Like Dad, I was keen on keeping my little snow away from everyone else.

"There's something I need to tell you," he said, meeting my eyes briefly before retreating to his chair.

"Haven will be leaving next week." I was momentarily paralyzed by the revelation. It was the first time I truly comprehended the sensation of having one's soul extracted. Despite the turmoil inside me, I managed to maintain a semblance of composure.

"What do you mean, 'leaving'? Please don't tell me you're sending her to the same inferno you condemned me to." My anger threatened to boil over; I was almost close to killing him and tearing him into pieces. That place was full of psychopaths; I wouldn't want Haven to spend even a nanosecond there, let alone survive. The idea of subjecting my little snow to the horrors I endured was inconceivable.

"She's returning to her family, her true home, Aerius," he stated impassively. The words left me speechless. What family was he referring to? She was already with her family, or so I believed.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Dad? What family?" My frustration escalated. His glare suggested he disapproved of my tone, but my concern for Haven eclipsed any fear of his reprimand.

"She isn't your sister, Aerius, nor Lana's or mine daughter. She isn't a Castillion," he dropped the bombshell. The revelation left me grappling to comprehend; had he lost his sanity? Was this the moment to contemplate drastic measures against him, his wife, and his son?

"Who is she? Why has she been living as a Castillion all these years?" I demanded answers.

"She's a Romanov," he disclosed. The implications of the revelation resonated, sending shockwaves through my understanding of her identity.

"She is Daemon's daughter," he added, deepening the mystery.

"Okay, but the whole family died in the attack. Who are you sending her away to?" I sought clarification, suspicion gnawing at me. Was he trying to abandon her?

"Just Daemon and Anna died, tbut their sons escaped with Haven to ensure her safety. They entrusted her to my care. Originally, they planned to reclaim her when she turned 16, but their plans have changed. They're coming to take her on her 8th birthday, which is in two days." For a moment, I forgot to breathe.

I refused to let anyone wrest her away from me.

"And you're allowing her to go? Don't you love her? What's wrong with you?" My attempt to control my anger echoed in the air.

"She is and always will be my daughter, but I can't break my promise. I've given my word to the Romanovs that I'll safeguard her like a treasure. Despite my desire to keep her with me, the truth is she is not ours. She belongs with her family," he explained, a heavy burden in his words.

"Fine, let them come. We can handle this. We can handle this. We don't need to let her go.Let's kill them, noone would ever know" urgency fueled my words. The only solution seemed to be removing any threat to her presence. However, his laughter cut through my urgency, tinged with mocking amusement.

"You're a good-for-nothing brat. Standing tall, spewing this nonsense. Do you think they're like you, relying on their father's power? Have you heard of the Sinisters?" His words struck me dumb; could she be their sister?

"The Sinisters. They are the Romanovs. Crossing them would erase us from existence in a mere second if we dared to entertain the thought of reneging on our commitment."

flashback ends

That night marked the pivotal moment when I made the most significant decision of my life. I chose to keep her with me over my family's grave. I opted to keep her by my side, choosing her over the legacy that awaited me as the heir to my father's position as the french mafia king.

I went to great lengths to ensure she stayed with me. Orchestrating an accident, I convinced everyone it was an attack that claimed the lives of the Castillions, eradicating any evidence, especially from the Sinisters. My actions were impulsive, driven solely by the determination to keep her with me.

Aware of the Sinisters' formidable power, I acknowledged my lack of competitiveness. I regretted not taking the time to understand them better, to learn their ways. Now, every time Haven nearly slipped from my grasp, I lived in fear of her falling into their hands.

Luck was on my side initially; I managed to elude their reach. However, I knew the day would come when they'd catch up to us, and I've been preparing for that inevitable confrontation.

Understanding that only power could stand against them, and so here I was as Hayden Ares Wraith. The underboss of the European Mafia, on the way to become the boss of European Mafia by soon assasinating this whole good for nothing Vendetta family. specifically, was my target. Seizing his position was the key to ridding myself of the Sinisters. I had a meticulous plan in mind, one that would accomplish two objectives with a single stroke.

Finally it was time for some action.

Hi Guyzzz....

Finally We have Aerius POV and I hope that all the confusion related to why Ivan don't know know about Hayden being Aerius and why Aerius is so obsessed with Haven. 

If you have anymore confusion related to the chapter let me know in the comment section. 

Thankyou for reading 

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