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The night air hung heavy with the scent of roses, their silken petals brushing against the windowsill as Ivan stared out into the moonlit garden. The room was shrouded in an uneasy silence, one that had settled between him and Haven since the darkness had taken her during their intimate moment. His mind raced, grappling with the unsettling realization that Haven had never truly lost her memories.

Turning away from the window, Ivan took a deep breath and sat beside her. He couldn't bear the weight of the deception any longer. Haven lay on the bed, her eyes tracing the patterns on the ceiling, but her vulnerability was plain to see. He approached her, his voice gentle yet firm.

"Eva," he began, "there's something I need to ask you. Something I need to know." Eva slowly looked towards him, after the breakdown she had went silent, not speaking a word, she knew what was going on his head and she so wished to be wronged.

"Look at me, Eva" Ivan's deep husky voice made her gulp down in fear and anxiety.

She turned her head to meet his gaze, those once-unwavering eyes now filled with uncertainty. 

Ivan hesitated for a moment, the words hanging on the edge of his lips before he finally spoke, "Why did you lie to me about losing your memories?"

Haven's breath seemed to catch in her throat, and for a fleeting moment, fear danced across her features. Her eyes welled up with tears, reflecting the anguish she had tried so hard to hide. She blinked them back, struggling to find her voice.

"Ivan, I... I didn't want you to send me back," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Where Eva" He asked, his voice stern. 

 "Back to my brother." She answered, Ivan looked at her confused.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"he... he always used to trouble me. And I thought if you knew who I really was, you'd send me back to him." She said, her eyes welling up with tears, as she tried to hide the painful truth.

"You have lied to me a lot already Eva, now I only want to hear the truth" Haven looked at Ivan, her heart felt heavy, it was so difficult to even talk about it. 

"I-Ivan, m-my brother, he he r-rapes me, abuses me, I escaped from him, I was suppose to leave this town, when you took me in your care, I thought that if I told you my name then you would hand me over to him, he would kill me if he found me Ivan, please please, I will go away from here, and I would never show you my face, but please I beg you don't hand me over to him. Please, Please Ivan" At this point she was crying uncontrollably. 

"Shh.shh. stop crying love" Ivan's heart ached at the vulnerability in her voice. He had suspected there was more to her story, but hearing her speak of her brother's torment made him realize just how deep her wounds ran. He reached out and gently cupped her face, his thumb wiping away a stray tear.

"Eva, you should have told me," he said softly. "I would never have sent you back to such a place. You're safe here, with me."

Haven's eyes met his, her gaze searching for the truth in his words. "I know that now, Ivan. But I was so scared, and I didn't want to lose the only person who had shown me kindness other than Aezy. "

"Aezy?" He asked.

"Yes, he is my second elder brother who helped me in escaping" Eva told. Ivan nodded and hugged her tightly, hiding her in his warm embrace. 

Ivan's fingers traced the curve of her cheek, his touch reassuring. "You'll never lose me, Eva. I'm here for you, no matter what."

"Shhh, don't worry, you have me, everything will be ok, you have been through so much my little warrior. I promise I will never let you go" He said stroking her hair.

"I-Ivan, can you protect Aezy too, he is still under my brother's captivity" Haven asked mustering some courage. Ivan nodded without any hesitation. 

Ivan's brow furrowed with concern. I stroked her hair trying to calm her down. He took her hand in his and wiped off her tear gently.

"Tell me my love, what is your name?" He asked as kept his hand on hers.

"H-Haven" She answered, a smile broke through his face.

"That you are" He said making her blush. 

After a lot of teasing and light hearted conversation, when Ivan was sure that she had calmed down, he asked her his next question. 

"Not tell me, my love, who is that bastard. Tell me his name. I will show him what it's like to be the one receiving pain" He said. Haven looked at him slowly.  

He pulled her into a gentle embrace, offering her the solace of his presence.

"I promise you, my love," he vowed, "we will find a way to rescue Aezvan and put an end to your bastard's reign of terror. You are not alone in this. not anymore, you have me now."

Haven clung to him, the weight of her confessions finally lifted from her shoulders. "Thank you, Ivan, for being the one person I could trust with my secrets."

As they held each other in the quiet of the night, the truth had forged a deeper connection between them. Haven's voice, trembling with the weight of her past, had shattered the walls she had erected around her heart.

"Tell me, baby" He said gently stroking her hair, giving her own time.

"A-aerius Ezra Castillion" She spoke and her hand that was comforting her stopped. 

"His name" She answered. Ivan's face paled. 

 Uh-ho what happened? 🥲

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