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My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself in an unfamiliar place. Panic gripped my chest as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I remembered being in the room with Ivan, but now I was in a plush leather seat inside a jet. How had I ended up here?

I slowly pushed myself up and glanced around. The cabin was sleek and modern, with dimmed lighting and the soft hum of the engines. My heart raced as I tried to piece together what had happened. The last thing I remembered was talking to Ivan about my past.

Carefully, I pushed the cabin door open and stepped into the narrow aisle. My head throbbed with confusion as I made my way toward the front of the jet. Ivan sat there, hunched over his laptop, his face illuminated by the screen. But something was different about him. He looked distant, as if lost in thought, and there was a coldness in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"Ivan?" I whispered, my voice trembling. "Where are we? What's going on?"

Ivan didn't even glance up from his work. He continued typing, his fingers moving swiftly across the keyboard. It was as if he couldn't hear me, as if I didn't exist.

"Ivan!" I called out louder this time, frustration and fear welling up inside me.

He finally acknowledged my presence, but it wasn't in the way I had hoped for. He reached for a button on the armrest and pressed it. Within seconds, an air hostess appeared, her smile plastered on, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the cabin.

"Prepare breakfast for her," Ivan ordered without looking at me.

I was taken aback by his indifference. What had happened to the Ivan I knew, the one who would never ignore me like this? I tried to speak to him again, but he brushed me aside and walked past me to the same room I had woken up in, I followed him but he slammed the door shut on my face. 

I flinched away.

Now I regretted telling him about my past, I shouldn't have done that. I ruined what was there between us. I should have lied to him, made a story that could have convinced, why god why did I tell him the truth. 

An hour passed by with Ivan still inside the room.

The intercom crackled to life, and the pilot's voice filled the cabin. "Boss, we will be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for arrival." I saw Ivan coming back and sitting next to me fastening his seatbelt. 

My heart sank. Landing? Where were we landing? And why had Ivan brought me here without a word of explanation?

As the jet descended, my anxiety grew. When we finally touched down, Ivan wasted no time. He rose from his seat, leaving his laptop behind, and walked purposefully toward the exit. I followed him, my confusion and fear mounting with each step.

But as I stepped off the jet, I was met with a scene that sent shivers down my spine. Ivan was in deep conversation with a tall, imposing man who had just stepped out of a sleek black car. The man's face was partially obscured by a pair of sunglasses, but I could feel his presence, an aura of power and danger.


I tried to approach Ivan, to demand answers, but I was stopped by a group of stern-looking bodyguards. They formed a barrier around me, their expressions unreadable. I felt like a caged animal, trapped and vulnerable all over again.

I watched in disbelief and fear as Ivan got into a different car, leaving me behind without a single word of explanation. Panic surged through me, and I pushed through the guards, desperate to catch up to him. But a strong hand yanked me back, and I collided with the hard rock chest. My senses went in chaos. The touch, the scent, the aura, everything around this person who I was in the arms of felt horrifyingly familiar. I shook me to my core. 

I cried as I desperately prayed to be anywhere else but here. I struggled in the painful grip, my face was yanked upward forcefully through my hair. 

There were those eyes, the eyes that watched me live in hell every single second, the eyes that smiled at my pain and misery, the eyes of the monster I ran away from.

"Long time no see, little snow."

My heart dropped in terror as I stared into the familiar face that haunted my nightmares. 


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