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His fists clenched as he felt something being thrown over at her, he grabbed his gun and pointed infront of the person, he was just seconds away from pulling the trigger but stopped abruptly when his eyes fell on the little girl standing infront of him, trembling and shivering under his vicious glare and the sight of the gun pointed at her.

Her baby blue eyes were now widened with fear, it looked like she would faint any moment now.

'who was she' He thought analyzing her face.

"Brother" His head turned towards a little boy. He knew that he was Tristan, his younger brother. His facial feature and his eyes were same as his.

"Aezvan" He kept his gun back in it's place, Aezvan shivered at the sight of his elder brother but nevertheless hid the trembling little girl behind him.  

"that's our sister, brother" He spoke, trying to appear as confident as he could but his eyes couldn't hide the fear he held for him.

A sudden annoyance settled inside him listening to his words. The little cute girl was his sister. He expected an annoying little brat. 

"fuck me" He cursed under the breath calling a little girl, cute.

"What's going on here" Ammon's voice grabbed everyone's attention.

 "Daddy" little haven ran into her father's arms who without wasting any second took her in his embrace.

 Aerius felt weird in his heart, for some reason, and for the very first time, he didn't find someone's voice irritating. Her voice felt like sirens were singing a song for him, luring him in a trap he didn't want to be in. He felt  like someone just poured bliss in his ears.

"What a distraction" Aerius smirked mentally and chuckled.

"Aerius , my son" The familiar high pitched voice made him scoff, he knew that his mother loved him to core but he could never come to love her, she and his father were nothing but just his birth giver, first he used to be confused on why he couldn't feel any emotions towards his family but with time he accepted and stopped thinking about it.  

This is what he was and everyone needs to accepts him this way, if they won't then ofcourse they will die, no matter who it is.

"Look at you, you have grown into a handsome boy" He rolled his eyes and raised his hand, his mother stopped in her tracks when she was about to hug him.

"I am tired already" Lara's face fell but she hid it with a smile.  

"oh- my baby must be exhausted" She chuckled awkwardly and ordered the servants to carry his stuff inside.  

The 15 year old boy just rolled his eyes and walked past his mother. Ammon who was watching everything knew that for sure he had taken his grandfather's genes. Insensitivity could be seen clearly in his eyes.  

"Daddy" little haven raised her head but ammon was fast enough to caress her hairs and hide her face back into his chest.  

"Won't you welcome me daddy" Aerius smirked, ammon just nodded and turned his back on him, carrying little haven along with him.

Haven sneaked up and her innocent eyes met his devilish ones.  

"little snow" He grinned, looking straight into her eyes.


 "So how have you been, young man" Ammon asked Aerius as he fed little haven with his hands, who was sitting on his lap, playing with his tie and concentrating on the tasty food her father was feeding her.

"good" Aerius answered as he looked at his father and his affection towards his sister. Strange and weird were the emotions that he had felt for the first time, the man who not for once had hugged him or his younger brother was like a perfect father for the little girl.

"Honey, don't you think she is old enough to eat on her own" Aerius noticed the distaste in his mother's voice. Another thing that he noticed was the silent hatred visible behind her honey like voice.  

"Well, dear, my little princess will always be my little girl, no matter how old she gets" Ammon smiled kissing the forehead of his little princess who giggled. Lara's fist clenched under the table but nevertheless she gave a forced smile.

'I'm gonna burn this little bitch alive soon' Lara vowed taking another sip from the glass of her red wine.

Each and everything was noticed by Aerius who felt everything to be fishy. For a fact his mother loved him and his brother endlessly, there was no doubt in that but it looked so odd for a loving mother to not love her youngest child the same, the hatred in her eyes was clear for Haven. On the other hand, his father who only cared about his business and the mafia gang was keeping his everything on hold just so he could feed this little girl.

He laughed in his head thinking that his mother was jealous of his own daughter because she melted one of the deadliest mafia heart.  

He looked at haven once again, this time her big doe like eyes met his, hers were filled with warmth while his were cold as ice.

She passed him a bright smile. He looked at her almost ready to smile back only to realize it sooner and keeping his emotions on leash again.  

"Emotions are for the weaklings and I'm a fucking King, I never had them and I'll never have them" Aerius clenched his jaw and went back to his room.

Haven couldn't understand why her big brother didn't like her, sadness cloaked her little heart thinking that may be she was a bad girl just like her mumma says and so he doesn't like her just like her mumma.

A little hope generated in her heart and her eyes sparkled again.

"May be if i be a good girl then mumma and ari, both of them would like me" Haven thought but only if she knew whose love she was trying get was himself fire and she would burn every second into it.


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